Which cards can make or break a deck for you?


Minor Arcana cards. They have to follow the Raider-Waite depictions...I don't like decks that only portray the number of wands, swords, cups, and pentacles. Those decks seem too "cheap" to me. :)

I agree. If they're pip cards I can't read them. It's also almost as if the artist didn't bother making 78 pieces of art at all. For example the Victoria Frances Tarot. Is that what it's called? :eek:D

Edit: No, it's the Favole Tarot LOL! Also Anne Stokes Gothic Tarot has pips.


I agree. If they're pip cards I can't read them. It's also almost as if the artist didn't bother making 78 pieces of art at all. For example the Victoria Frances Tarot. Is that what it's called? :eek:D

Edit: No, it's the Favole Tarot LOL! Also Anne Stokes Gothic Tarot has pips.

Exactly! :D I could whip up a deck like that in 5 minutes. :D :D I have noticed there seem to be more and more decks like this on the market...


Exactly! :D I could whip up a deck like that in 5 minutes. :D :D I have noticed there seem to be more and more decks like this on the market...

Oh, well, it's their own fault. Might get more sales if the Minor weren't pips though :)


The Devil!

Well, with me, one of the cards that's a deal-breaker for me is The Devil card! I like to see a properly horned Devil--preferably lustful, if possible! (grin)--not for any untoward reasoning, but because the card is traditionally associated with Capricorn. It's more of an aesthetic issue with me. Any other interpretation of this card--and I have seen many--simply doesn't "do it" for me. Heck, I would give a deck a "pass" if there was phallic and goat-like symbolism, as in the Thoth deck! ;)


I can't deal with churchy Hierophants, it's my "birth card" so I'm like um nooo :p


None. ;) I have a couple of favorites: The High Priestess, The Moon, The Lovers, Nine of Swords, the aces, Four of Cups... But if the rest of the deck is amazing I don't really care if one or two favorites aren't meeting my expectations or hopes. I try to see the bigger picture really.

There are some cards I generally "don't care for" but some decks have given me a more positive outlook on those cards, a new perspective, so sometimes it might be worth checking out your least liked cards in a deck and go with that . ;)


How do you figure out your birth card?

Several of the cards within the Maj. Arcana are associated with a sign of the zodiac. E.G. my birth card would be the Moon since I am a Pisces. JadePixie is probably a Taurus since that is the sign that rules the Hierophant.