Break it to the Family


As has been said - be sure it's safe to share. Or that you can tolerate people deciding to keep their distance or look at you strangely if you do tell them (if their reactions might be more extreme - I wouldn't risk it - you do have to live there after all).
I'm so sorry that you are restricted in this way. :( :heart:

I am lucky - I live in a large cosmopolitan city now (London), where anything goes, and a majority of people have been exposed to enough variety to hardly bat an eyelid.
The last time I had someone understand that I was pagan/into the occult and have a severe reaction - was at least 12 years ago. And their reaction was to hound myself and a colleague down the road loudly telling us that we should repent or be destined for hell.
They gave up just when I was contemplating calling the police.

I am part of: a pagan community where it's normal to ask "so what is your muggle job?" - and Pagan Police representatives have successfully campaigned for pagan holidays..., a medically minded community who I won't talk to about my pagan ideas and esoteric interests unless they ask directly (most of the time, it seems it doesn't even occur), a complimentary health community who are "not mainstream" but may find paganism and Tarot reading a bit odd though they will entertain it, a Martial arts community full of people with wonderfully varied practices - but we're all WILD about our Martial art and that's all we really care about - so the rest is just interesting window dressing, and a "normal" community of neighbours and acquaintances who talk about the weather.
At most if the subject comes up a "normal" person will say "really? I've never heard of that - how does it work?" Or - "do you really believe in all that?"... or "I've never met anyone who's said they were pagan..." - then a long and interesting discussion ensues.
And what they conclude I wouldn't know - but they're back talking to me next week as usual.

My family are all pretty alternative (except my father would have thought it weird - but he's dead now) with my sister being a yoga teacher, my brother being into Shamanism, and my mother being a psychic who never used her skills.
My husband eventually got used to it.

However - If I still lived where I grew up - the story would be quite different.
Likely I'd still quietly be in the closet, as there, it might not be safe to openly admit my interests and practices.


A friend of mine reads Tarot and recently told me that his teacher was a Benedictine monk. It didn't surprise me. It's possible that your Catholic friends would disapprove ... but it's also possible that they read themselves.

Sorry Denever, I only just noticed this.

There was one Priest whom I worked for/with and whom I considered a good friend who happened to see my cards and such in my house and told me off about it and demanded I get rid of all of that and stay away from divination---OR ELSE! :rolleyes: (meaning he'd have me excommunicated). At the time I was very involved in my Church and Community--made up mostly of Catholics, but also other faiths there, and all of the Churches (save two) were VERY--VERY active in the community. W/o getting too off topic here, to allow many of these people know that I was also so active in divination, regardless of the why--I'd have been blacklisted and not wanting that. So, I promised that Priest that I'd get rid of everything. Yep. I lied.

Interestingly enough--much time later, it came out that this SAME priest was a sexual abuser of the boys for MANY YEARS. The Bishop knew this-and helped to hide it! Sadly, this Priest did get away with it for more then 20 years and even when it did finally come out--he was stripped of his collar, but didn't have to serve any time in jail or prison and didn't have to do anything--not even apologize or say "yes, I did this". Once again, it was swept under the rug--and the only thing that happened was that he couldn't say anymore that he was a Priest. He moved in with one of the boys that was at that point in time 20 or 21yoa now--and as far as I know, they are still a couple.

but THAT is another story....

No, I still stand by sharing such personal things should only be done if you feel safe enough to do so. Even then, you're still taking a chance.

some of my Catholic friends DO know all about me though. My office mates at the Catholic Church use to LOVE to hear of my experiences with spirits. As did the rectory's maid (whom I'd stay with as she cleaned the VERY haunted rectory) and Grounds Keeper, whom I also would go into the Very haunted Church with-when he cleaned that building! :laugh: The Church office manager and mentioned to them to ask me to help them when they complained of being terrified of the buildings because of spirits. That position of mine though was *unofficial* and I did so w/o being payed. ;)

Those two are still friends of mine, who also call me for readings often and who have sent me many customers--some from our Church. :D


Wow Celticnoodle, that is a fascinating story! Sounds like the 'abuser Priest' was all about control over other people.


Wow Celticnoodle, that is a fascinating story! Sounds like the 'abuser Priest' was all about control over other people.

Yes, I think so too. Its very sad all the destruction left behind him.


I straddle the Catholic-style and Pagan worlds, and several people know it, but not everyone. I'm not in anyone's face about it, but if it comes up that's fine. I have some groups of friends who not only know about it but share in it. Others, for instance my cousins and my friends from home, don't know, and I don't know if they ever will. My husband's family is cool with it. In fact I have some Pagan friends with whom I'm less comfortable talking about Christianity!

I live in a small city, but most of my interactions (outside of the office) are with people I know from special-interest groups and events, who are geographically widespread. And in my physical neighborhood, there are relatively few people who have roots there; this is a college town, and the grad students come and go. If any of our physical neighbors knew about it, it would be just one more curiosity. We probably have more religious beliefs per square mile than any other place in the state.


I never suggested that you (or anyone) should do otherwise. You painted with a very broad brush, and I chimed in to say, for the benefit of others reading this thread who might have similar concerns, that my own experience is that not all Catholics are disapproving.

No, I still stand by sharing such personal things should only be done if you feel safe enough to do so. Even then, you're still taking a chance.


I'm the opposite of you, IndigoIsabelle!

I have been pretty open with it, even within the confines of a military life (where one is often living in a small military-only type community on a base) but only to some people in our circles. I tend to get three reactions, with a fourth/fifth one that I only meet rarely. The first few are a laugh-it-off I don't believe in all that, a "wow how cool can you do my cards", and a simple "oh, yeah! Wow, you have a big collection!"

The fourth and fifth reactions are a curt and severe rebuff (just short of making the sign of the cross) and a complete non-reaction, total indifference, completely ignore it.

What I have learned is, it may be best to pick and choose whom you share the information with. And over time, your desire to share it can change.

I've come to a point now where I just have my collection upstairs, in my bedroom, and I rarely bother to share my interest in it anymore, except for here. It's my collection, and they are my personal beliefs, and I don't feel the need to hand that around. It's become private and personal to me.


I never suggested that you (or anyone) should do otherwise. You painted with a very broad brush, and I chimed in to say, for the benefit of others reading this thread who might have similar concerns, that my own experience is that not all Catholics are disapproving.

I understand this, Denever. My post wasn't implying anything taken badly by your post.

I grew up in a very Catholic family who were known psychics for now, over a hundred years and practicing their crafts. So, I know well that not all Catholics disapprove! :D My grandmother who was psychic use to just remind everyone, "Just don't let Father know!". :D


Sorry Denever, I only just noticed this.

There was one Priest whom I worked for/with and whom I considered a good friend who happened to see my cards and such in my house and told me off about it and demanded I get rid of all of that and stay away from divination---OR ELSE! :rolleyes: (meaning he'd have me excommunicated). At the time I was very involved in my Church and Community--made up mostly of Catholics, but also other faiths there, and all of the Churches (save two) were VERY--VERY active in the community. W/o getting too off topic here, to allow many of these people know that I was also so active in divination, regardless of the why--I'd have been blacklisted and not wanting that. So, I promised that Priest that I'd get rid of everything. Yep. I lied.

Interestingly enough--much time later, it came out that this SAME priest was a sexual abuser of the boys for MANY YEARS. The Bishop knew this-and helped to hide it! Sadly, this Priest did get away with it for more then 20 years and even when it did finally come out--he was stripped of his collar, but didn't have to serve any time in jail or prison and didn't have to do anything--not even apologize or say "yes, I did this". Once again, it was swept under the rug--and the only thing that happened was that he couldn't say anymore that he was a Priest. He moved in with one of the boys that was at that point in time 20 or 21yoa now--and as far as I know, they are still a couple.

but THAT is another story....

No, I still stand by sharing such personal things should only be done if you feel safe enough to do so. Even then, you're still taking a chance.

some of my Catholic friends DO know all about me though. My office mates at the Catholic Church use to LOVE to hear of my experiences with spirits. As did the rectory's maid (whom I'd stay with as she cleaned the VERY haunted rectory) and Grounds Keeper, whom I also would go into the Very haunted Church with-when he cleaned that building! :laugh: The Church office manager and mentioned to them to ask me to help them when they complained of being terrified of the buildings because of spirits. That position of mine though was *unofficial* and I did so w/o being payed. ;)

Those two are still friends of mine, who also call me for readings often and who have sent me many customers--some from our Church. :D

Celticnoodle I love your sharing!
There's nothing to be afraid of.
Catholic theology merely says that the first priority is to be awake to the revelation of the Divine. This can be outside the perimeters of what our mind might see in the cards. So the catholic theology is alerting us to be aware of God/guidance in nature, in relationships, in our own deeply personal experiences.
The intention of the theology and the teaching of it is good, but it's the way that some ignorant people have used it (historically) to hurt others that is the problem.

Telling others about tarot or divination practices is up to you. At different times in life, it seems attractive to 'get it al put on the table' , at others, a more subdued style is better. Many Catholics I know don't batter an eyelash about Eastern or exotic practices such as tarot, though they often say they treat it with a grain of salt. No harm intended by them at all. If anyone should get it, Catholics will, given the symbology of the tradition.

I have found the most vitriolic objectors are people whose theology is 'black and white' and who like to use rules to keep them safe. Mostly they are atheists with a tinge of badly understood christian theology who try validate their own sense of egoic power n the world through rationalist discourse. And that's foolish.

Once you see that, you feel compassionate for them.
That lightens the load a bit for you, it would seem.

Good luck with it!
In all things, go gently ...

Bonny :)

Le Fanu

I think the best approach is just to choose carefully who you tell. I tend to think that anyone mildly intuitive would know who will and won't have the best reaction - and that's my yardstick. I'm happy to talk to some people about it but not others.

I'm at the stage in life now where - hey - it's a private interest - I really can't be bothered teaching, explaining to other people about it or justifying it or trying to prove that actually, by day, I am quite rational etc etc.

I love my cards, I have a room which is floor to ceiling cards - I think it shocks people when they see it, even those open-minded ones - there's an expression of "my goodness, I didn't know you were that obsessed!" But it's in my house and anyone who comes here has a certain amount of intimacy with me. I tend to mention it rarely at work. I have a good position and I don't want people thinking I make decisions based on spreads and soothsaying. I don't want to give people the satisfaction of judging.