Aeclectic Dream Dictionary



Dream Dictionary (Numbers)



Symbol in Dream --
I. Rainy Night
II. the Twilight that follows the Rain

Twilight means to me the calm after the storm, and the bringing of one's secrets out into the open.

The dream itself:

I. A Rainy Night
II. Walking up the Stairs to the front of my house
III. Lightning crashes
IV. Immediately it is no longer raining, but twilight at the moment night meets day. I am no longer walking up the stairs, but by the sidewalk leading to it, facing a nine foot angel with silver hair, grey eyes, a blue plaid shirt and blue jeans.

I was brought up in a tremendously conservative Christian family. I was and of course am gay. There was a struggle with my sexuality and not just that everything about me, because I was afraid God would send me to hell. I had this dream in High School.

Afterwards, I went to a Bible school, and although it was quite conservative, they believe in psychic gifts in the form of prophecy, and one of the words that was given to me was to stop the fight against yourself. After I came out of the closet after college... I began to realize the meaning. That when anyone has gone through a personal struggle, there has to be an integration of all one's deep dark secrets, the skeletons inside themselves, with the outside world. The interpretation of twilight as both peace/calm and also integration comes through my own experience.



Babies in a dream symbolize yourself.

Dreaming of a baby in any state means you look to yourself and see what is going on in your life.

Over several years I have dreamed of a baby in different states of being. Once there was a baby and it was very dirty and needed a bath. I was very upset and proceeded to wash it and take care of it.

I had various dreams in different states and it took me several years to discover that the baby represented myself and how I was doing in my life. In the "dirty baby" dream and at that time of my life, I was very upset emotionally, my husband was very ill and shortly after passed on. In my work load I was not taking care of myself properly at the time.

I did not find out for a long time what dreaming of a baby meant and I had several, it was like they are a touchstone on my personal condition.
The condition of the baby shows me my state of being. They are at the beginning of their lives here and eventually grow to childhood. Sometimes we see a special child and it could be you as well.


Wildcats (also, Lions, Tigers)

I. Behind zoo-fencing a crowd of wildcats (lions and tigers) are growling and roaring and the gate is locked shot
II. A voice utters and says do not go where the wildcats are.

The wildcats are the primitive parts of one's nature, the animalo side, the agressive parts of oneself.

I. I see a zoo cage with many wildcats growling and roaring.
II. I am a little scared of them
III. A voice says do not go where the wildcats are

This story is almost like that of the creater in the Garden of Eden in the Bible. Yes, I was given a warning like Adam and Eve were given in regards to the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. I was four years old when I had it. I guess, perhaps, at that point I wouldn't have known how to handle my animal energies being just a child, and hence there was a oice telling me "not to go there". However, I think now, well I have expressed those energies which well to be quite frank arouse creativity in me, and also enable me to have a proper sex life. The issue is not the cats themselves. However, like Daniel in the Bible, the classic story of my namesake, the lions must be tamed. If our animal instincts are unbridled it creates chaos. However, if a person keeps their animal instincts guarded and uses them correctly, it produces success. That which can destroy you can also help you to succeed. We all have those urges. What makes a man wise is if he can use those energies to the best of his advantage and society's advantage. Michaelangelo would have never created his masterpiece David without those energies. However, creating something beautiful with them, shows a balanced idividual: not supressing rather guiding those energies to positive means.


Bull (0xen)

To me the bull has always stood for raw strength, not like the lion but an instinctive and reactive force. The bull is fiercely defensive, can turn from peaceful grazing to blazing fury in a split second. Yet the fact that we have domesticated these amazingly powerful beasts shows that we can tame the raw force within us and chanel that power, putting it to good use.

Uruz the Nordic rune of the Uroch (wild oxen) also embodies this same raw power.

I have experienced a series of dreams involving a horned bull or ox. Each time the animal is domesticated and peaceful but the chanelled power of the creature is obvious. In some dreams the bull is tethered in a stall, in others he is harnessed to a yoke. The farmer feeds the bull from his hand showing intimate trust and nurture.

My waking life is showing me that I do indeed posess this raw power but it has been transformed and is now put to good use establishing self esteem without (too much) ego, anger directed where appropriate and harnessed to prepare fertile ground where the seeds of new growth can germinate.

Even bull s***, the waste product of an issue can be dug back into the same fertile ground to enhance the next generation. All experiences are valid if we use them properly and allow ourselves to learn from them.


Spider bite

There were other details in this dream but what stood out most clearly was the spider I tried to brush away with my broom/besom only to find that it grew in size and jumped up onto my arm. Now a massive, black, hairy spider about 12" long I tried to pick it up and could feel its soft, hairy body yet as I did it sank its fangs into my skin but I couldn't feel any pain at all.

I don't really care for spiders but I don't have a phobia of them either, usually if one is in the wrong place, I find a container and take it somewhere else out of the way, I don't kill them though.

This dream coincides with a period of mild sickness which has made me feel bloated, poorly and very, very tired. The spider I tried to brush away may have or seems to have been me trying to fight off a minor illness but it came back bigger and I knew that trying to move it would make it bite which it did. This relates to me trying to work as normal, motivating myself when I least feel like it only to find that the increased exercise has made it worse.

In conclusion, this big hairy spider seems to be a manifestation of illness within me.

mystic mal


For years I was having these dreams of looking for a toilet, whenever I found one it was open to public eyes or with glass walls,often in a dirty state and I felt very conspicuous using them afraid people might see me.

I realise now what the dreams meant...all those years I was having an affair with a married man.The toilet represented my"dirty secret" afraid his wife might find out.I was trying to do my dirty deed away from public eyes and was scared of being seen.

After the affair finished the dreams stopped. the guilt and shame of my involvment with him (and knowing his wife) was in the end too much burden for me to carry so I offloaded all the filth into the loo and finished it.It was the dreamworlds way of showing me my inner turmoil and to empty myself of the dark energy that had amassed.



I had a dream recently of walking through soft, deep sand up a driveway to a house. burrowed into fragile holes in the soft sand were groups of domestic rats (ie pet rats) just sitting there sleeping. A few feet away was a black cat also in a hole in the sand. Then my husband opened the side door of the house but it was a stinking mess inside so we shut the door again and came away.

At first I just didn't know what to make of this very negative dream given that the rest of my waking life was happy and good.

The following night our house next door (which we rent out and which is currently empty until Monday) was broken into. My husband spotted the back door open and so we went round to find a window forced and the mess they left.

Rats usually indicate something nasty, and in this case although they were under the surface, they were easily discovered. I feel that this dream was predictive in some ways. The door of the house was identical, the stinking mess inside corresponded with the state and the rubbish that the previous tenants left behind and the rats were clearly the undercurrent of bad intent by the thieves. The cat close by I think is us, living next door but unable to see whats going on for the height of the sand.

I've dreamed of rats before, each time they portend to someones negative intent towards me/us. So for me, quite literally "you dirty rat" seems to be the message.


Contact Lenses

Milfoil said:
Dream Dictionary (C)

In my dream, I had problems putting my contact lenses in. They would grow to the size of quarters unless I submerged them in saline solution. They would soak up the saline solution (sometimes a LOT) and then shrink back to their proper size, at which point I could put them in my eye. The left contact lens took much less saline than the right one (had to use 1/4 bin full for the right one!).

My interpretation (with some help from some ATers):

The vision part is obvious: but in this dream, it referred to my overall vision, not of a specific situation.

Saline solution represents water (especially sea water). Water = emotion.

The contacts were "dry" : I am seeing things too "dry" (e.g., black and white, logically, going by just bare facts, using the "textbook version", if you will). I need to add more saline solution (water/emotion) to get proper vision. I won't be able to see well otherwise, as the facts may obscure what really needs to be seen (or what I am trying to see).


Crocodiles and insects

A rather odd dream where my husband and I are walking along the shore of a lake, the day is beautifully sunny and warm, there is a small, dirt path between grass and young saplings and there in front of us is a big, beautifully coloured insect which I instinctively know makes a sound (like a cricket) and is well known in this part of the dream world. Similar to this one but in the dream mine was more brown and orange:

We walk on and come to a cliff. The water of the lake comes right up to the cliff but is only a few inches to a foot or so deep. We are stood ankle deep in the crystal clear water and I see a woman in the distance walking through the water, up to her knees along the cliff face. I see a large crocodile following her and say to my husband "look, there are crocs here". He doesn't believe me so I look down and see that there are more, curled up asleep, just under the surface of the water, camofulaged like the rocks at our feet. I tell him to look down and we realise that we should get out of the water. I step delicately back so as not to disturb them.

Reptiles seem to suggest primal fears such as the fear of dying or fear of attack, the unseen lurking just out of sight. Insects, again react instinctively and this one was big, colourful and could make a lot of noise. Nobody was attacked or hurt in this dream but there seems to be a message of 'instinctive' negative action/reaction here and the clarity of the water suggests that we will see it coming.

Today when I come into work, I find a resignation letter on my desk from a member of staff who is 'big, colourful and makes a lot of noise'. We had to speak to him officially last week about his attitude and behaviour (being too loud and not taking enough care). As expected, dispite encouraging him in what he does well, he had a knee jerk reaction and handed his notice in.

Though I don't like having to face old fears (loosing staff and trying to find new - it disrupts everything) or deal with big noisy insects, it happens in life and the sunny skies and clear water suggest to me that we see the truth of the matter and there is nothing to worry about.