"The Art of Tarot"


I was at a used bookstore the other day an noticed several copies of a rather small book titled "The Art of Tarot" by Christina Olsen. This book has a brief discussion of the history of the Tarot, but it's main point is to show representative cards from several old and newer decks. She shows surviving cards from decks as far back as the mid 1400's right up through the Voyager Tarot, Tarot of the Cat People and other modern decks. At the back of the book is a (very) brief description of the meanings of the Major Arcana.

While certainly not a critical book for learning how to read the Tarot, it was an interesting one for comparing the artwork and symbolism of various decks. I found it to be quite enjoyable.

"The Art of Tarot"
Christina Olsen
Abbeville Press
ISBN: 0-7892-0016-3
cover price: $11.95 (U.S.)

This is available at Amazon.com, for $9.56 (U.S.) at:



Thanks for the word, Torgon. The art in so many decks is so appealing. No wonder there are so many collectors on these boards!



since i'm now studying art, sounds like a must have tarot book for me. can you tell more about the book? for example, are there lots of images? or is it more writing? this is usually a selling point with me b/c i enjoy books with lots of images.


Sorry for taking so long to answer you truthsayer (so many threads, so little time :| ). The book is mostly images and covers a rather wide variety of decks. If you would like, and if you're in the US or Canada (I'm afraid I don't know where "where mists and dreams meet" is in relation to Arizona ;) ), I can check for you, to see if there are any more copies at the store I bought it at and pick one up for you. The last time I was in there (a few weeks ago) there were still several there.


thanks, trogon but they've got it listed at amazon so i'll order it if i decide i want it. amazon doesn't describe the book contents very well. i just wanted to know if there were lots of images to demonstrate points of tarot artistry. i love hearing about tarot books on the market that i didn't know about before.