LS Work in Progress


RiccardoLS said:
The Tarot of Sweet Twilight (by Cristina Benintende) is 4 cards from conclusion.
It is one of my favorites: innocent and deep, sad but hopeful. It does resonate with the better part of myself. It’s something I consider very important. The ability to resonate with a physical deck is not just a “quantity” factor. There are different nuances of our being that may be brought forward and muted through the medium (the Tarot deck) we use.

If the drawings on are anything to go by, this will be a gorgeous deck indeed. Her style reminds me of the Magical Forest with a bit of Shadowscapes thrown in...


Oh wow, thank you Marina - some of those pieces really grab me. I like the one with the swan in the sky. If these illustrations are similar to the sort of thing we might see in the Sweet Twilight deck, I think it will lead to exciting reading adventures. Imagine what one could find to say about that seagull with pilot's goggles walking through the desert.... I really want to applaud Riccardo and Lo Scarabeo for being willing to explore all kinds of different possibilities the way they do.


A Michelangelo Tarot!! That sounds wonderful!! :D I'm really looking forward to it!


Thanks for sharing with us, Ric! I always look forward to your posts. :)

firemaiden said:
Is there a place to see one or two cards from the Sweet Twilight?
Do you have the LS "Twenty Years of Tarot" book? There are sample cards and sketches of the Sweet Twilight on page 106...



Obviously I need to get this book!


Here a few more "teasers" from a few more decks.

From Sweet Twilight, 8 different sketches for the Knights.








As You may guess, the process for creating the deck is intuitive and not rational/structured.
I wodner if it makes sense to consider that - as tehre are many ways to read Tarot or to describe a card and its meaning - there are as many ways to plan and define a deck.
There are decks that work through a very detailed and specific planning, incorporating into the meanings into a rational structure we can describe, and see clearly.
Other times, the very creation of the deck is an act of intuition, is reaching toward meanings and structure through a fully emotional and unstructured path.
And that means, sometimes, over 10 sketches for a single card, reaching destination by trial and error.


Here there is an image by Lucia Mattioli for the Fairy Lights deck:
You should see her blog here:
Even this deck is growing as intuitive, but its psecific nature makes it very different.
Each illustation is to be cut in two, creating two different cards. And yet the first illustration IS a meaningful whole.
The deck will certainly challange our sandrd way to read with, but it will be deep... and resonant, full of mistery and clear.


This is a totally different planet. Art by Luca Russo.
The coming deck is definitely more structured, but we decided to let Luca as much free as possible regarding composition and posture, to facilitate his work and the rendering of feeling. It is a dark and alluring deck. I would not say gothic, but maybe unselie. Is it about fairies or angels? I really don't know.



And last, two twins card by Marco Nizzoli for a deck we have not yet decided how to name it.
Right now, I'm calling it in my head: Tarot of the Enchantress Dream.

Take care,



Great stuff – these behind the scenes peeks are very interesting. Thank you for taking the time.


I am fascinated by these glimpses into the process and the pre-decision ideas for cards. Wonderful, thank you Ric!


Wow :bugeyed:

When those come out, I think I will need to take a sabbatical for studying.


And last, two twins card by Marco Nizzoli for a deck we have not yet decided how to name it.>>>

I love the idea of a water color deck!

On another note though Ric, will you remind your artists that everyone in the world is not 16 years old, thin, and beautiful. I would be really thankful if decks showed a full range of ages and some ethnicities

thanks for sharing some of the process of deck creation.