Interpreting Minors in Marseilles Decks


frelkins said:
thanks Mel. Think I'm getting this.

Btw, is that deck the big USG Visconti or the LS Gold? :)

That's the Dal Negro I Tarocchi dei Visconti Sforza. (Mmm. Sounds good enough to eat!)



thanks mel. i do love the visconti, it is one of the nicest decks. but the vines and leaves on it are quite different than a TdM, more "ruglike," more arabic. how do you use them in your interpretation?


Still with you....

However, miniscule difference = I lay mine out in a circle - takes up more space but is easier to see across from house to house.

Had another thought.... this can also be used for timing (of the day & time of year).

Bee :)


Bernice said:
Still with you....

However, miniscule difference = I lay mine out in a circle - takes up more space but is easier to see across from house to house.

I prefer like Mel to use the square chart spread (though I interpret it sleightly differently), I don't find any problem seeing connections between the houses and it takes less space.

Great examples Mel :thumbs up:

Looking forward to seeing the rest of the tool set in action.


What if the four elements were aligned with the subjects in the quadrivium: arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy (astrology)?

This is an interesting article that aligns the 5 elements with so-called the "quadrivium":

...with the tarot sometimes referred to as having five elements (Majors being the element "ether").

This occurred to me as I was trying to make sense out of the elements cards in the Minchiate.


One More, for Old Times Sake...

Example #3


The querent asks if there will be any inheritance money for him from his grandfather, who is near death.

The querent, as always, is represented by the first house, here the Hermit. Now we have to find Grandpa's money. This requires we turn the chart. Grandpa is the 7th house (our father's father - 4th from the 4th) His money would be the 2nd house from the 7th, so the 8th. How much has he got? Four of Cups' worth. That sounds pretty good. So, is our greedy little querent going to get any?


Translation shows a modest connection between the significators. Translation is when the same figure, a figure other than either of the significators, appears in houses next to those of the querent and the quesited. In our example, the Seven of Batons sits next to the querent, in the twelfth, and the Ace of Baton sits next to the quesited in the 7th. We do indeed have a modest connection. Unfortunately, the connection is a 'Baton' connection. This means getting some of the money will require some effort.

What else can we learn? We have a four (of Coins) in the 10th house. This would be the 4th from the 7th, Grandpa's estate. We can assume that a good deal of the money will be going to the estate, here meaning Grandma. We also have a four (of Swords) in the 11th house. This would be the 5th from the 7th, Grandpa's pleasures. So, Grandma will have to use some of the money to finish paying off Grandpa's boat.

So, our querent will have to decide whether or not the modest amount of money he may be able to receive will be worth the effort it takes to get it.

And thanks everyone. I'm glad people found the method useful (or at least entertaining). ;)



1 This is fabulous, Mel. It's rare someone can explain their method so well.

2 what is this gorgeous deck? I must have this deck! I lust after this deck.

3 Don't think you can escape without also discussing mutation!

4 Also on the passing thing does the queen of cups next to the 4 here she'd any light on the amount or quality of cash? For some reason I think it might be the Grandma herself or am I mistaking the houses? I still have some questions after this if you don't mind...


frelkins said:
2 what is this gorgeous deck? I must have this deck! I lust after this deck.

I think its the Vachetta.

There is a set of black & white images you can print and color yourself here:

Here is a set colored in by Fred Hinojosa (click next button to go through the gallery):

Other decks from the same site indexed here:

Hooked on TdM

Just WOW, M. I have three pages written out, front and back. This is so complicated! I think this method of reading is a study in itself! I suspect it will take a lot of practice to get the hang of this, but I'm always up for the challenge!

Thank you SO MUCH for sharing this.



Thanks for those links Kwaw. I've got my crayon ready.

Yes, that's Giovanni Vacchetta's Tarot from 1893. Those above are the Lo Scarabeo version, called the Tarot of the Master. I cropped the offensive borders.

I'm not sure why, but there is one going for $2474.99 on Amazon used.

It ain't THAT pretty!

Here's the Aecletic review -

frelkins said:
Also on the passing thing does the queen of cups next to the 4 here she'd any light on the amount or quality of cash? For some reason I think it might be the Grandma herself or am I mistaking the houses? I still have some questions after this if you don't mind...

Yes. The Queen of Cups seems to want to be Grandma, and if we 'stretched the rules' a bit we could view her in that respect. Going strictly by the 'system' the first choice for Grandma would be the 7th from the 7th, Grandpa's partner, but that is also the house of the querent. The second choice would be the fourth, as the representative of Grandpa's estate. Our Cup Queen is 3rd from the 7th, making it Grandpa's siblings, neighbor's, news and rumours, letters, and short everyday journeys (like down to Starbuck's). If Grandpa had a sister, it would show she'd be getting a "slice of the pie", but Grandpa is an only child. That leaves a couple of possibilities:

1) Grandpa is leaving some money to a neighborhood organization.

2)This is the one I'm leaning to - it is the money of the money (2nd from the 2nd), or the interest and profits on Grandpa's various savings and investments. He's made some good investment choices. Some of these may not automatically handover earned moneys of the deceased, and may have to be claimed and/or applied for. This might be where our querent can get a larger slice of the pie, if he's willing to look into it, and go to the trouble, as suggested by the 'translation' of the Batons.