tourmaline for shamans only?


is it safe to use green, pink or black tourmaline as jewelry or is it use for healing by shamans only?


I've never heard of that! I'm not a shaman, and I'm wearing a black tourmaline pendant right now. Gemstones are for everybody. The only stone I've heard of that is sacred to native americans, is pipestone. I have a piece that I purchased at a metaphysical store.


nice to hear that LeaRoseQuartz...i love tourmalines too but knowing its very strong protective/healing stone i was doubtful if its ok to wear it everyday...shamans are healers and i think they use tourmalines for healing:)


All stones / minerals are Rock Medicine - our older Brothers and Sisters and will teach EVERYONE!
All living beings are equal
All our Brothers and Sisters the Animals, the Birds, the Green People and the Rock people are alive and equal to each other. We 2 leggeds however are their Younger brothers and sisters and owe them considderation and respect.
Everyone is here to visit upon the Earth Mother
The Rock People are part of her skin and are here muchmuch longer than we as individuals and as a species. They also will be here much longer than we - will be there when we are looooong gone....
They are with us ("owned" by us ) just for an insignificantly short time of their life......
Use your Rock people with prideand love and respectfully pass them along when the time comes....


for enlightenment and wisdom...thanks Mi-Shell


Mi-Shell's post

Beautiful Mi-Shell.


Solstice Blessings to you all!


The Earth is our Mother...We must take care of Her...the Earth is our Mother...We must take care of Her...

:*:*:*{{{hugs}}}May Golden Showers of Solstice Blessings bathe everyone in the Newly Born Light...:love:

MoonGypsy )O(