LS Secret Tarot - 8 of Chalices


i have recently started to really enjoy this card. i think before i didn't see the beauty in it and what it represents.
I love the person's back to us and the subtle wind at the bottom of the cloak.
What do you guys think about the color of this card. I think it is interesting that the whole card is bathed in green moodlight. Any thoughts on that?


If this card had rain in it, then it would most probably be the most dismal looking card in the deck! Hehe. I like it though. It has character! :D

Interesting question you raised Hyatt, with regards to the use of the colour green in this card. As I was reading your question, I thought of the term 'alien' and the fact that the colour green is often used to portray that which is alien to us. Perhaps the situation is now alien to the man in the card, and that is why he is walking away from it?

Also, it looks as though the eight cups are placed in what appears to be a muddy river? Am I seeing things here?! If this is the case, then the man would appear to be walking from the muddy river, and into the moonlight. Perhaps this is symbolic of walking from a muddy emotional situation, leaving a dark and problematic past behind, and taking steps towards a better future?

Also, what of the man's clothing? He looks almost like a mountaineer or something along those lines.


Oh, I love the idea of the cups being in the mud. Walking away from the dirty, cloudy past. The cups seem to really stand out in this deck. Even though they are in the murky water. Perhaps something postive has turned to a bad situation.
Or maybe this is the card I should pull when I don't want to do the dishes :) It does make me think of dirty dishes now!


This card immediately reminded me of the hermit card. I also see a bit of a connection to the 3 of wands. Actually, I kind of see this as a polar opposites of the 3 of wands. Note the character's solid footing on the 3 of wands vs. the treacherous footing on the 8 of chalices.

I like the idea of leaving the muddy past behind, moving forward into the moonlight (intuitive direction). The biggest clues on this card are the moon, the coloring (greenish gray/black), the position of the cups, and the central character's attire. He is definitely prepared for a long, difficult journey. He has brought a lot of supplies and tools to help him along the way. He even has a walking stick because he might encounter treacherous footing.

Something about the character's body language speaks "resolve" to me. Perhaps even urgency. Also the fact that this is night suggests, yet again, the element of secrecy, of being hidden from public.


I see this as someone who is turning their back on a situation for good.....and walking towards the Moon; a symbol of the subconscious.