Wish Come True Spread


I called this the Wish Come True Spread, but it can be used to assess anything you are thinking of...

  1. - The Wish (What) I am asking for
  2. - What I will ultimately Get
  3. - How (as in how will this come about)
  4. - When (as in When will this happen)
  5. - Where (as in where will this happen)
  6. - Who (who will this be with)

  • cards 3 and 4 describe 1 - this elaborates or helps to assess what you are asking for/about, cards 5 and 6 describe 2 - elaborates or helps with the outcome.
  • Thus make 1, 3 and 4 the assessment of your questing and elaborating more on some of the details of it.
  • 2, 5 and 6 are the outcome and the details of it.

    I did this here at Your readings sections http://www.tarotforum.net/showthread.php?t=115826 and would appreciate any help with the interpretations..

any additions/changes welcome also

Thank you


very nice spread, it was scarily accurate as far as what my wish was, did this spread twice with 2 diff wishes it came out great!


Great I'm glad to hear that... Thank you!


Oooh, this looks really good! I think I'll leave out position 6 though, since I already know who I want it to be happening with :p