Dream about a Moving Library


i stopped it here to tell you that generally to see a witch in your dream indicates destruction, however, because she was healing your friend, I see her as a good witch, and thus this can mean the opposite, that all positive energies there. Perhaps between you and this friend of yours who fell?

I feel i could have played a minor appearance role in his life so she (or maybe she is a metaphor and not really a person) could help him get more in tune with himself. I am not in contact with him anymore by the way. ;) I learned from meeting him myself too.

perhaps you and/or this friend are going through some sort of transformation? the crispy old leaves I feel could symbolize death/transformation, and because it is earthy, I feel that perhaps this has to do with something between the two of you finding some common ground perhaps? coming together more? something like that.

I am going through a transformation si, although i sometimes am in the way of my own process, but i feel that is okay haha! I think there was something with his heart that made him fall of the stool, i might have had a similair dream a while ago too about it, where he had something with his heart or his stomach too. have to look it up, i probably logged it from when we did the dream divinations haha!

the grass and earth in your hands makes me feel like you are protective and caring of him. the earth again is about grounding, so perhaps you ground him? especially seeing how much you are participating in the healing of him. and perhaps you do feel comfortable with him, which will help you in the socializing you speak of?

bwehe me grounding someone, twould be cool, i guess it is possiblé! :p even though i still have to ground myself more, i have now two white grounding stones that i put in my pockets and hold when i feel that i need it, i walk with it outside one in each hand allot, helps me feel better and less distracted by the outside energies.

i sense his potential and essence and hope that he can get more in touch with that then doing unhealthy stuff for himself that makes him not focuss on it, but also he is still young (it must be the age :p LOL) maybe he is in the stage where he is ready for more growth.


Finally checked and he was in a dream with my friend (his friend too in real life) where they appeared suddenly and whent in a treehouse, their eyes glowed eerily in the dark and the inside was very dark i saw mostly sillouettes, i was very cranky because they came and played without me in the treehouse. (LOL i like treehouses too ;p) and he fell from it and didn't move. 112 (emergency line from netherlands) had to come and i felt very bad thinking it was my fault and that i shouldn't think things like that he is an *hole and such. :) i think it's from 15-12-2011 (the computer says it was changed/edited then) but the file text says 30. Oh bla!