LS Secret Tarot - Four of Pentacles


Everything in this card is washed in a green tint, reflecting that material wealth is this man's only concern. At the same time, he does not appear to be surrounded in luxury. Rather, the room where he sits is quite dreary, though through the window we can see bright, sunshiney air. The big green velvet curtain appears ready to be let down, shutting out the outside and keeping this man alone with his possessions. His ledger and inwell sit on the desk in front of him. What do you make of the loose sheet of paper and the odd, egg-shaped lamp?
The man appears quite severe, he looks down his nose so far it appears his head is bowed to take a nap right here at his desk. What is that he is holding in his hand (I really can't tell)?


He reminds me of Scrooge from "A Christmas Carol"!


I thought that too, that is exactly the feeling I get...
And I have been seeing this old scrooge quite a bit lately in my own readings. Frowny-face, hmph....


his financial situation might be very secure, but he's not happy in other areas of his life... where's Tiny Tim when you need him?


i'm giving it a closer look now that i'm home. one thing that really strikes me is the over-all bleakness of the colours, kind of muddy brownish greens, except for the golden pentacles on the wall. why are they on the wall? what good do they do there? they look nice, perhaps, nice and orderly, but they provide no function! they've lost their purpose! he needs to take them down and play with them!

meanwhile, what's our man doing? sitting behind the desk and what? sleeping! yes, he's got a pen or pencil in one hand, resting in his lap, his eyes are closed (can't tell what's in the other hand, a spoon?) and he's nodded off. guess he really doesn't have to work, he's settled.


I too think that he looks very scrooge-esque. Hehe. ;)

Here is what I get from the card.

I see this man as being something of a money-watcher. This is the sort of man who makes sure that every single penny is accounted for. This card has sometimes been called the card of the miser, and I would suggest that this man looks ever inch the miser.

I don't know what makes me think this, but I have the feeling that the man is perhaps awake at some point in the middle of the night... sat there with his books and accounts, and fretting over which money is going where and what money should be spent on what. I do not think that he is poor... he has sufficient funds, but he is SO CAREFUL with each penny.

I also feel that this might be the man's bedroom. Anyone else agree?


Centaur said:

I don't know what makes me think this, but I have the feeling that the man is perhaps awake at some point in the middle of the night... sat there with his books and accounts, and fretting over which money is going where and what money should be spent on what. I do not think that he is poor... he has sufficient funds, but he is SO CAREFUL with each penny.

I also feel that this might be the man's bedroom. Anyone else agree?

I got the exact same impression. It really looks like he is sitting there in the middle of the night. So maybe it is his bedroom. But I also think that to him it wouldn't matter if the sun was shining on a nice summer day or it is night, he would still frett over material questions or finances instead of enjoying a nice summer day in the sunshine!

Edited to add: From the looks he reminds of Abraham Lincoln! ;) That was my first thought when I looked at this card.


Sorry for butting in but, I just got this deck & when I seen this card the first thing that came into my mind was the movie

"Pretty Woman"

Richard Gere (not that the guy in this picture looks like him)
sitting infront of the motel suite window!
window that is in the behind is open to changes,
contemplation of circumstances or his life

He looks like he is not happy with his life.

Julia is in the bubble bath singing!