fey-- Ace of Pentacles


ace of pentacles


I did my morning shuffle, fan and flipped over--

the ace of pentacles.

immediately my internal soundtrack started singing:

"she got the whole world in her hands..."

i think that about says it.

fly well


New Draw

Well hello all. It has been an incredibly long time. I have been soooo busy, but Lunalafey has diverted my attention back to the boards and so here I am again. It is time for a new draw it seems so here goes. The card is the ACE OF PENTACLES. I love this card.

Has anybody ever notice how unproportionatly large her hands are to the rest of her body? As if she can hold more of her possessions in complete control, but a soft control. It isn't enough for her to hold her prize she has to make it a part of herself, yet it isn't perminant. It can be washed away.

So, any comments on the Ace of pentacles?


not permenent.....

......just a start
She seems to be 'dabbling' with an idea.
Perhaps in her quest for material gain she has somehow come across some brushes & paints. She has no paper to create what she is seeing in her mind. Her critters seem rather curious to what she is doing. What is this Fey up to?
There is that old wives tale (which experience has shown me that it's true) that when your palm itches, you are coming into some money. Maybe this Fey is 'setting-up' her fortune, after all she's not a Fey with any wealth, notice the tears in her clothing? she is the only Fey in the deck with worn out clothes.
I find it amusing that in SACTII, Alissa's Ace is a hand with a mandalla henna tatoo. She was totally unaware of this Fey.


I also noticed how huge this fey's hands were to the rest of its body.

With the painting on her hand, it reminded me of how you would write someone's phone number on your hand if you dont have a piece of paper handy. Maybe she's giving herself a reminder of what she wants.

Does anyone else think that the two animals looked scared? Their eyes are opened wide as if they have seen a ghost or something.

Water Lady

I think the animals are courious, I am still puzzled by what this really means though. my lwb says ties with matter, that could link to drawing on hand.
any other thoughts?


A favorite card

I love this card. It was the first of the Fey Tarot that I made a wood carving of and which was offered as a prize for a contest that Lunalafey ran a couple of years ago during the Fey's first year of availability. The hands are large which goes with the Pentacles association with physical reality and working to create and grow and produce the material world we live in. Painting a mandala on one's hand, to me, indicates hope, purpose, vision. The hand represents the ability to create and produce that hope, purpose, vision. This card and figure then seems to represent the energy and direction that life provides us -- applying that is literally in our hands. Dave


I see this card as in the process of creating your own reality.


dadsnook2000 said:
Painting a mandala on one's hand, to me, indicates hope, purpose, vision. The hand represents the ability to create and produce that hope, purpose, vision. This card and figure then seems to represent the energy and direction that life provides us -- applying that is literally in our hands. Dave

Dave I love your interpretation of this card. Thank you.

Water Lady

Painting a mandala on one's hand, to me, indicates hope, purpose, vision. The hand represents the ability to create and produce that hope, purpose, vision. This card and figure then seems to represent the energy and direction that life provides us -- applying that is literally in our hands. Dave

I also love this way of thinking about this card. Saying it this way makes a lot of sense to me.


Wood-carved Ace of Pentacles

This is the tarot figure I carved for the Fey Ace of Pentacles. It is about 5 inches high. When I ran the Tarot Pride Workshop website, this was one of many tarot card figures I was offering, either as a stand-alone for mounting on a box or as a mounted figure on any of several tarot card carry boxes or display boxes. The pieces I offered were actually reproductions of the original piece so that the price could be greatly reduced. The other Fey tarot piece that I had carved was the Fool.

I found that carving these pieces gave me time to get to know the piece and appreciate its details. Dave


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