JOLANDA Study group

Guiding Cauldron

Is anyone interested in starting a Jolanda (swedish witch) study group? I know I'd love to learn more about this deck with a group of people but I also know I am not capable of leading it on. Any intrest?

Alan Ross

I just ordered the Jolanda. I would love to participate, but since I don't even have the deck yet, I'd prefer to let someone else take the lead. If by "leading it on" you mean someone who decides what the sequence of threads will be, who will post first, who will post second, etc. I don't think that's really necessary anyway. I remember reading a post by Sulis where she pointed out that the most successful groups are the ones where each participant is free to simply post to existing threads or start new threads when they have the time or inclination to do so. Perhaps you can start things off by posting your 3 of pents card pull observations as the start of a 3 of pents thread.



Moderator message

Since you've started, I've made an index thread for this study group and I've added it to the Study Group Index at the top of this forum.

I've also split off the 3 of Disks post into a thread of it's own.

The index thread is here:
The Tarot Study Groups index is here:

Could you please let me know by private message when a new thread is started in this group so that I can index it?


Sulis - Tarot Study Groups moderator

Guiding Cauldron

thank you here, i suppose i didnt want to be the "leader" is all lol I do whole heartedly agree with no real format of whats next just posting and learning from each other as we see each card is all. Thanks for the advice with how to proceed with this. :)

Guiding Cauldron

ok anyone who has this deck should get involved we're having a blast with this study! :)

Alan Ross

I rummaged through some old threads on this deck and found some interesting stuff. One poster from Sweden translated all the keywords included on the pip cards in the original Swedish edition of the Jolanda. Here are the keywords:

(Originally posted by Jema in 2003)

1 initiative
2 trial of strength (powerstruggle)
3 trust (faith)
4 completion
5 conflict
6 victory
7 courage
8 choices
9 balance
10 rage (fury)

1 clarity
2 peace
3 sorrow
4 truce
5 worry
6 science
7 doubt
8 distraction
9 cruelty
10 waste (ruin)

1 affection
2 love
3 generosity
4 patience
5 disappointment
6 pleasure
7 imagination
8 sloth (laziness)
9 charisma
10 satisfaction

1 birth
2 change
3 nurture (care)
4 stability
5 debt
6 generosity
7 despair
8 abundance
9 gain
10 mastery

Also, another Swedish poster translated keywords and phrases for the Majors and Courts from Rose Bjorkman's companion book for the deck. Here they are:

(Originally posted by AngelC in 2003)

Fool: humour, courage, foolishness, trust, freedom of choice, innocence
Magician: power to concentrate, intelligence, power to act
Priestess: intuition, independence, freedom, contact with your higher self
Empress: abundance, birth, growth, harmony, pregnancy, motherhood
Emperor: animus, authority, father, power, cooperation, intuition and feeling
High Priest: authority, criticism, conventional morale, dogma
Lovers: duality, choice, marriage, cooperation, wholeness, intensity
Chariot: power to act, victory, enjoying success
Justice: balance and harmony, legal unions - like marriage, divorce, conflicts over custody or inheritage
Hermit: time out, reclusion, celibacy, separation
Wheel: turn of fate/luck, new start, expansion
Strength: lust, passion, joy, sensualism, honesty, sensuality, sexuality
Hanged Man: submission, trust, meditation, listen to your inner voice, dedication, capitulation, unconditional love
Death: transformation, ending, shed your skin
Alchemist: spontaneity, curiosity, joy of discovery, power to create, integrity
Devil: power - dependencies, abuse of power, chronic depression, vendetta
Tower: "spring cleaning", lightning strikes, discharge, unconscious motives becoming conscious
Star: inspiration, freedom, space, light, vision, charisma, unrealistic expectations
Moon: retreat, restraint, intuition, melancholy
Sun: creativity, liberation, power of life, wisdom, ecstasy
Judgement: dropping prejudices, compassion, wisdom, tolerance, forgiveness
Universe: liberation, without limits, cosmic love, deep trust

Princess of Coins: unity, renewal, pregnancy, preparation, inspiration
Prince of Coins: health, condition, stamina, perseverance, realism
Queen of Coins: fertility, recovery, decency, security
King of Coins: stability, roots, earth-bound, common sense, materialism
Princess of Swords: rebellion, confrontation, righteousness, idealism, discipline
Prince of Swords: inspiration (whim), renewal, opportunism, self-righteousness, heroism
Queen of Swords: sincerity, courage, focus, fairness, balance, harmony
King of Swords: wisdom, being analytical, intellect, fickle, distinguishing
Princess of Cups: friendliness, trust, naivety, unprejudiced, fantasy
Prince of Cups: desire, sensitivity, seductive, refreshing, poetic
Queen of Cups: uplifting, emotional, ethereal, beautiful above others, spiritual
King of Cups: refinement, artistic, sensitivity, romance, musicality
Princess of Wands: improvisation, fantasy, enjoyment, fiery, pleasure
Prince of Wands: freedom, vitality, enjoying life, humour, cordiality
Queen of Wands: attraction, self-esteem, intimacy, warmth, dedication
King of Wands: dynamic, intensity, powerful, vitality, potency



I'm also waiting for my copy of Jolanda to arrive (from Tarot Chest, so I'm led to believe it won't be long). I really liked the sample cards shown on TarotHealing's blog - so good to find an original deck that has really well-done images. And the card titles intrigued me.

Am I right in thinking this deck owes at least as much to Thoth as to RWS? I have not completely got to grips with Thoth yet - despite reading and learning a lot from Lol Duquette's book. I see Emma Sunerton-Burl is offering a Thoth course too. So much to learn. This morning I decided to defer investigating Haindl (I have the deck and the 2 pollock volumes, so they'll keep till I have a bit more free time - ROFLU).

Alan Ross

Hi, heron. Welcome to the Jolanda Study Group. The Jolanda Tarot is an idiosyncratic and symbolically meaty deck, so I feel that this study group is going to be quite an adventure. I hope you'll be contributing to the fun.

heron said:
Am I right in thinking this deck owes at least as much to Thoth as to RWS?
I would say that the Jolanda is primarily based on the Thoth Tarot. There's lots of Thoth specific symbolism that I've noticed in the Jolanda. There's also plenty of symbolism that I haven't seen anywhere else that has me scratching my head. I primarily read with RWS-based decks, but recently I've been working through DuQuette, Snuffin, and Crowley, as well as following along with the "Gonna learn Thoth if it kills me" thread, so I picked up the Jolanda at the right time. The Thoth doesn't exactly fall into my comfort zone, so the Jolanda is proving quite a challenge.

heron said:
This morning I decided to defer investigating Haindl (I have the deck and the 2 pollock volumes, so they'll keep till I have a bit more free time - ROFLU).
I picked up the Haindl about three months ago, along with Pollock's combined volume and her volume on the minors. So far, I haven't touched them. The Jolanda is my most recent distraction. I'll get around to the Haindl eventually, but right now I'm having too much fun with the Jolanda :).



a bit disappointed... find that yes, the deck I got is not the delicate shades of the one I saw online, and has no keywords - even if they had been in swedish or whatever. Hey ho! It's a very intriguing deck, though, and I shall enjoy using it & participating in this group as I get to now the cards.

I would recommend this blog to you:

~ heron


Swedish "Swedish Witch" deck arrived!

...and it's lovely, well worth the hunt 7 wait. much more appealing than the "English" edition.

I'm far from ready to read with it (though I have the title and keyword lists that were posted here (thanks to whomever...) as well as a link to Katziki's postings from a while ago.

It's going to be quite a long learning process, I think. I look forward to it, once I have cleared the deck - or do I mean desk?