The Process (Part One) The Skeptic


The woman stepped over to the booth where I was sitting; she was well dressed and coiffed, and carried a look of concern.

"Linda, the bartender told me to talk to you. She said you read cards; can you read mine?"

"It would be an honor."

"I don't believe in this psychic stuff, you know...The only reason I'm talking to you is because Linda spoke so highly of you. She said if anybody could help me find answers, you could.” She slid into the booth

Most people believe that as tarot readers, we are all "psychics". Few are aware that there are different styles of reading. There is (for lack of better terms) the 'mundane reading'. Meanings are ascribed to each card, and to each position that a card is placed. The meanings are translated into a' reading'. Archetypes provide a venue into which the sitter is able to see their life and experiences.

The intuitive (or psychic) reading uses the cards as a focal point - information comes to the reader from "out there" (different folks have different theories on where the knowledge comes from).

Both styles (some will disagree with me, and that is fine) are valid. When I read, it may be either type or both, and my regular clients not only cannot tell, but do not know.

When we read for others, we become a friendly, non-judgmental, listening ear. Frequently the sitter needs a touch of self-assurance in their ability to deal with whatever troubles they have.

No matter which form of reading you use, the reading itself is not science; it is an artful form of communication.

We were in Aunt Harriet's Room, a comfortable dive just north of downtown Seattle. "My name is Monica, I've never done this before...what do you want to know...or do you just tell me the answers...because god knows I need some answers." She sat down, crossing her arms, shoulders pulled inward.

Great...not only a skeptic, but also one who is tense, and has serious issues.

Someone once said that because I had been reading tarot for a while that I had an advantage over other, newer readers. Nothing could be further from the truth.

We spend our lives communicating with others. Much of what we process, is unconscious, the silent language we all use everyday and never ponder. Tarot simply provides us with another avenue of communication. We have another tool to communicate the unseen, regardless of the reading methods we use; and then there is our ability to relate with others.

Monica's words, posture, and attitude had all the alarm bells going off in by head...First, this was going to be a face-to-face reading for a stranger, and I was going to have to get her to trust a psychic, regardless if I am one… in her eyes – I was. Second, I was going to have to show her hope. I did not have to read the cards for her - I knew. However, I would allow the cards to speak to her...

Each sitter has needs and problems; nationalities and ethnic groups may vary, but the individuals within them all share the same fears, problems and life patterns.

All of us, tend to blame others for faults in ourselves that we don't want to face - it is a protective mechanism...and most sitters have a problem that has driven them to you. Many hide their problem, even from themselves...however, the problem is the prime motivating force behind most visits to the reader.

I reached over and opened my bicycle messenger's bag, and removed a black cloth bag containing a deck of tarot cards. As I opened the bag, I saw her face change a little. I had just struck an important point, and she was not aware of it. I slid the dog-eared deck towards her.

I store my decks in their bags in a basket. At the bottom of the basket is a slab of cedar (to prevent insect invasion) and a small bag with a bit of a stick of sandalwood incense and a bunch of Spanish lavender. Your Aunt Bessie always used a lavender scent. The three combined, are subtle, not overpowering, and provide an air of antiquity. The skeptic has just enjoyed an aroma that soothes - places her at ease - perhaps reminded her of a less problematic time in her life.

The deck is well worn, dog-eared, and stained. As she reached over to slide the deck closer, I could see her shoulders slump, just a tad. Point two had been scored.

She began to shuffle. Although the cards are old, they slide and do not stick. They have a peculiar feel to them.

My decks are “prepared”. Each card is placed on a table edge and slid abruptly downward, my free hand holding the sliding card flat on the tabletop. This puts an extreme bend on each card. This is done diagonally, horizontally, and vertically from both sides. It removes the stiffness, so cards do not “shoot out” while shuffling. It also breaks down some of the factory gloss reducing the glossy slide factor. This does not shorten the life span of your deck; in fact, it reduces the probability of creased and folded cards. It does help the deck look “used”.

Most folks have enough trouble shuffling a deck. When we reduce the difficulty by removing stiffness and gloss, it helps put our clients more at ease. A client further becomes more at ease when they see a well-worn deck…Right Out Of The Box does not create a favorable impression for the sitter.

Stains, ragged edges, water spots, are all part of the appearance of a well-used deck…but how do you keep them from sticking? How can I keep using that old favorite?

In your local phone book, hunt down your nearest magicians supply store. Go there and buy “Fanning Powder” (zinc sterate or something like that). Apply liberally to each card, and rub off the excess. Now even your old stained icky deck acts like new…with a twist. The cards now have a definite “different” tactile experience.

Monica was smiling as she shuffled the deck, “How many times do you want me to shuffle?”

Monica was now ready to read for. I had addressed her sense of smell, vision, and feel. I would address her hearing during the reading itself. Once her barriers were ‘softened’, she became more receptive to whichever type of reading it turned out to be.

End Part One.

Although Aunt Harriet’s Room exists, Monica and the fictionalized event is a composite of many – and is not intended to represent an actual person.
Nothing is stated as a recommendation or a suggestion, but merely observation accrued over time. Opinions and results may vary.


Umbrae: WOW! For the wonderful, insightful story. For sharing how one begins to address a client & the needs. In doing so, one puts the person at ease & in a receptive, cooperative frame of mind.


Dittoing Meewah..I like the part about using all the senses..this makes sense to me.


Oh, this was just getting GOOD! And you stopped! I want the next installment!!!! Very enjoyable, please continue........

Sea Sprite


WoW!! Very entertaining too! :)


That was a very informative post, and a pretty good story too. You have weaved a lot of good information into this piece. I am impatiently looking forward to the next part.

Will you consider a similar posting on reading for an overeager person? I'm thinking possibly that some of the things that draw a skeptic in might make a "believer" even more ready to believe in the "magic" of the reading. Those aren't quite the words I'm looking for, but I'm not really sure how to express what I mean.


Hhmmm, my sitters indeed.

You raised an interesting point re "mundane reader" and "psychic reader". It leads me to ask you Umbrae before you continue on what is your process in ascerting your reading technique?

Of course you have now gone through a process in this example of reading the sitter before you even begin the process of discovering what the sitter is there for. Does knowing what the sitter has come to you for assist you in evaluating your reading process?

I think I know what you are going to say. But to continue from your previous post I would be interested in hearing your response.


MystiqueMoonlight said:
Of course you have now gone through a process in this example of reading the sitter before you even begin the process of discovering what the sitter is there for. Does knowing what the sitter has come to you for assist you in evaluating your reading process?

I never know what the sitter is coming to me for (although I use runes to peek sometimes) , nor do I know what kind of reading it will be…

I never know what a reading will be like (whether mundane – intuitive – or both) until it is underway. Then, it can change midstream. All I know, is that each reading is different…Like stock trading – it is an art, not a science.

Stay tuned…more episodes to follow…including reading for the overeager and others…


Umbrae said:
In your local phone book, hunt down your nearest magicians supply store. Go there and buy “Fanning Powder” (zinc sterate or something like that). Apply liberally to each card, and rub off the excess. Now even your old stained icky deck acts like new…with a twist. The cards now have a definite “different” tactile experience.[/i]

This, and the suggestion of pre-stressing a new deck, are great. I'd never thought about this before, though I knew about it. My brother had been a semi-professional magician for many years and used this on all of his decks of cards. Thanks for the reminder....

Looking forward to further installments...


Yes -- More

'Lo all,

Ditto what Trogon said.

(And this from someone who once confused Mr. Moto with Charlie Chan. Sigh.)
