Dark Angels -- 9 of Coins


I drew this in a reading for a friend this evening. I'd normally think of this card as "financial security", but in the context it seemed to be more about depending on a partner's earning power.
The man in the card, however, is totally limp and pathetic -- the LWB says: "An angel can grow a garden to feed a raven from a wasteland of death." This has led me to wonder who is feeding off who!


I really like this card. I see him listening quietly to messages from the Nature. The raven is talking to him and he hears what it says. There is a poem I read somewhere and it talks about the importance of "Learning to hear how a cloud passes overhead". So to me this card is all about sharpening and refining our intuitive skills.


The coins here seem to be smaller and not so close to the angel, but they are brighter than in the other coins-cards.