LS Secret Tarot - 7 of Wands


I was wondering what thoughts everyone has on the 7 of wands. I think it is unsual that the person in the card is holding a sword - since it is a wand card. I understand that it goes with the theme, but still.
The sword looks very used and tattered especially at the top of the card.
Any thoughts?This card came up for the first time in a reading I did tonight about my husbands new family. I have actually never drawn this card before. Interesting huh?


hyatt said:
I was wondering what thoughts everyone has on the 7 of wands. I think it is unsual that the person in the card is holding a sword - since it is a wand card. I understand that it goes with the theme, but still.

Agreed... I too find it odd that the person in this card is holding a sword. However, it is almost as though the guy in the card is in the midst of some sort of weird, vast forest. It looks almost like an earthen labyrinth of sorts. Interestingly, the LWB interpretation of this card is, 'foiled menace'. Also, if you read the story of the Wands suit in the LWB, there is a line that reads, 'In the gloomy forest he fights against sudden obstacles which are waiting for him in hiding'. I think that the sword has perhaps been used to show that the man in the card can find a way out of his sticky situation if he uses his intelligence and thought? Perhaps it suggests that he can use thought to overcome any challenges that may come his way... use his sword to slash his way out of the forest, out of repression, and into the light?

hyatt said:
The sword looks very used and tattered especially at the top of the card.

Yep... it is almost as though he has made the sword himself... battered it into shape almost. If you look at the hilt of the sword, it looks somewhat out of shape.

Who is this man anyway? He almost looks like a warrior? Even a Knight? From what I gather, in the LWB he is described as an heir to the throne... in the story of the Wands suit. Ooooo. :)