Classic European 4 card spread??


In another thread ( there was mention of "... the classic European way of reading, detailed by Hadar, in the 4 card spread.".

I'm wondering if anyone can point me to information on this classic European 4 card spread?


hi augursWell

tirage en croix

1 - le pour (for)
2 - le contre (against)
3 - l'intervenant (speaker)
4 - le résultat (result)
5 - la synthèse (the synthesis)


Using Majors only, lay out the first 4 cards.
The 5th card is discovered by the numerical
reduction of the first 4 cards. It can also be
one of the first 4 cards, depending on math.


Stanislas de Guaita originated the Tirage en Croix
in the 19th century. His position meanings might
be translated more as those indicated here:

1 - le pour (the positive one)
2 - le contre (the negative one)
3 - l'intervenant (the vibration)
4 - le résultat (the direction)
5 - la synthèse (the synthesis)


For some interesting results, try putting
Tirage en Croix in Google Images search.

Google Images often leads to better sites,
and then just click on the link for the text.


the 4 positions

Etude du tarot divinatoire et ésotérique
by Pierre

click on: Tirage en Croix (on left side)
click on: Les quatre positions
click on: Tarot et ordinateur

click on: Les Examples (up top)
click on: Question multiple

This will need translating, and so I shall bid adieu.


Fulgour said:
tirage en croix

1 - le pour (for)
2 - le contre (against)
3 - l'intervenant (speaker)
4 - le résultat (result)
5 - la synthèse (the synthesis)


Using Majors only, lay out the first 4 cards.
The 5th card is discovered by the numerical
reduction of the first 4 cards. It can also be
one of the first 4 cards, depending on math.

The 5th card or the synthesis card is what Mary K Greer and others also call the Quintessence... the sum of the whole.


Hello Arwen Nightstar,

MKG and others have several methods for arriving
at the Quintessential card, it's rather widespread.
I once corresponded with Sandra A. Thomson on
this subject (she rocks!).

And just a shot in the dark, but ~ do you know
any French at all? I'm tempted to post "Google"
translations from Pierre's site. :( It'd be brutal.



Fulgour said:
Hello Arwen Nightstar,

MKG and others have several methods for arriving
at the Quintessential card, it's rather widespread.
I once corresponded with Sandra A. Thomson on
this subject (she rocks!).

And just a shot in the dark, but ~ do you know
any French at all? I'm tempted to post "Google"
translations from Pierre's site. :( It'd be brutal.

I know very little French, but the Altavista Babelfish translator is pretty good. Let me see what I can do about that.

I am on a small list with Sandar and she is very intelligent.


Ok! I'll supply "google" and original for now...

Four Card "European" Spread

As well as there are several shapes of pullings in cross, there are several possibilities of attributions of direction and functions to the respective positions of the mysteries of the cross. This one is more used.

1. On Left (a gauche) This position represents the consultant (you even) or the object of your question if it is not you. Example: "how my search for employment will evolve/move", here the chart means yourself with respect to your step of search for employment. Dominant chart which even gives the tendency of the answer with respect to you (but keep with the idea that it is the synthesis of the play which hopes more to answer with precision).

2. On Right (a droite) This position represents what faces the question, the world in fact and how it reacts to the chart which faces him (yourself). In example 1, we will have an indication on the labour market or the opportunities in progress if there is.

3. On Top (en haut) Standard Pulling 1 *: The council of the play. It is this chart which will guide you in the manner of analysing how it is necessary to act. It is an adviser.
Standard pulling 2 *: Present or immediate future. In all the cases: It is a celestial certainty of order.

4. On Bottom (en bas) Standard Pulling 1: The final sentence is placed in bottom, they are the most plausible prospects for your project.
Standard Pulling 2: Future or it following preceding chart. In all the cases: The most significant chart with the first. Dominant chart which gives the tendency of the answer, primarily with respect to the object of the question.

* The choice between interpretation type1 and type 2 depends on the tarologist (for the occasional beginners and gunners, it is preferable to choose a method and to be held to with it). Personally, according to the nature of the question and the message of synthesis which arises from the play, I choose sometimes the 1, sometimes the 2, it is the play which decides.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Au même titre qu'il existe plusieurs formes de tirages en croix, il existe plusieurs possibilités d'attributions de sens et de fonctions aux positions respectives des arcanes de la croix. Celle-ci est l'une des plus utilisé.

1. A Gauche - - Cette position représente le consultant (vous même) ou l'objet de votre question si ce n'est pas vous. Exemple : "comment va évoluer ma recherche d'emploi", ici la carte signifie vous-même vis-à-vis de votre démarche de recherche d'emploi. Carte dominante qui donne la tendance de la réponse vis-à-vis de vous même (mais gardez à l'idée que c'est la synthèse du jeu qui compte le plus pour répondre avec précision).

2. A Droite - - Cette position représente ce qui fait face à la question, le monde en fait et comment il réagit à la carte qui lui fait face (vous-même). Dans l'exemple 1, nous aurons une indication sur le marché du travail ou les oportunités en cours s'il y en a.

3. En Haut - - Tirage type 1* :
Le conseil du jeu. C'est cette carte qui vous guidera dans la manière d'analyser comment il faut agir. C'est un conseiller.
Tirage type 2* :
Le présent ou le futur immédiat.
Dans tous les cas :
C'est une certitude d'ordre céleste.

4. En Bas - - Tirage type 1 :
La sentence finale est placée en bas, ce sont les perspectives les plus plausibles pour votre projet.
Tirage type 2 :
Le futur ou la suite à carte précédente.
Dans tous les cas :
La carte la plus importante avec la première. Carte dominante qui donne la tendance de la réponse, essentiellement vis-à-vis de l'objet de la question.

* Le choix entre l'interprétation type1 et type2 dépend du tarologue (pour les débutants et tireurs occasionnels, il est préférable de choisir une méthode et de s'y tenir). Personnellement, selon la nature de la question et selon le message de synthèse qui ressort du jeu, je choisis parfois la 1, parfois la 2, c'est le jeu qui décide.


Hi all - It appears that I mentioned this "European" spread at the start of my thread.

I can tell you my use of it...

1. The client (position, circumstances, etc)
2. The field (that which is external, outside, across from the client, involved with the question but outside of the querent). A dialectic is created.
3. The tone (the specific angle or lens at which the dialectic between the 1-card and 2-card are being viewed-- i.e. why the reading? what's the interest, precisely? This gives more information about the specific tone of the dialectic. It's like a ZOOM LENS on the question.)
4. The synthesis -- the result.

I owe my angle on this spread to Hadar.


Paul said:
Hi all - It appears that I mentioned this "European" spread at the start of my thread.

I can tell you my use of it...

1. The client (position, circumstances, etc)
2. The field (that which is external, outside, across from the client, involved with the question but outside of the querent). A dialectic is created.
3. The tone (the specific angle or lens at which the dialectic between the 1-card and 2-card are being viewed-- i.e. why the reading? what's the interest, precisely? This gives more information about the specific tone of the dialectic. It's like a ZOOM LENS on the question.)
4. The synthesis -- the result.

I owe my angle on this spread to Hadar.
Is then the same layout of cards as above? Or a different one?

