Äkta Spåman Tarot

page of ghosts

undergang is like a great big painful ending (i can't think of a good single word since i just woke up) so it fits the 10 of swords very well!


Exactly. I think this CAN work - though I am still puzzled about the missing princess...


I was trying to match some of the titles with Thothy ones - as almost all the majors work with those - and also there are some where the image TOTALLY seems to fit.

I mean -the one I feel sure is 9 swords REALLY fits - cruelty !

and 10 Swords: Undergang has to mean something about undergoing stuff ?

But I have to not try this too hard at the moment - visitors, you know !

No worries! Take care of your visitors! :)

I wrote something longer but I happened to close down the browser. However, yes, I see now that it does indeed follow a Thoth tradition (shows how little I know about Thoth). Not sure how to explain the missing princess though.

I tried to look for the Wheel (called the Fortune in Thoth, right?). I wonder if it could be Lycka (though that might be more of a Nine of Cups card). Yet, the direct translation of Fortune is "Lycka" or "Rikedom", and both of those cards are in there. But they seem to fit better under other cards. But since the description for "Lycka" was "Release the pain and move on", it could very well be Wheel/Fortune (indicating a change).

Yeah, a little tricky. Although, I would probably use it as an Oracle personally since the keywords seems to be self-explanatory. I might purchase it if she release more decks. I'm intrigued now.


I tried to look for the Wheel (called the Fortune in Thoth, right?). I wonder if it could be Lycka (though that might be more of a Nine of Cups card). Yet, the direct translation of Fortune is "Lycka" or "Rikedom", and both of those cards are in there. But they seem to fit better under other cards. But since the description for "Lycka" was "Release the pain and move on", it could very well be Wheel/Fortune (indicating a change).
No contest. Lyckan - thanks. There is actually a wheely thing in the image. I am back on the ball now, and will try post stuff for you to help me with later !

Can you tell me more about Lustan ? I had Sinnlighet for Lust (Thoth has that for strength...) but I suspect Lustan fits better ?

I seem to have the majors sorted now, thanks - so.... I have some MAJOR minor issues !


OK SO - here is what I have so far: I have bolded the ones I CANNOT assign a card to quite yet. Bear in mind there are one or two that SHOULD be right by the words but the image is wrong or (see 8 Swords) the image is right but the word is SO wrong that....

I've scanned the cards I have left with no place to go... You all can help me here ! I HAVE done the majors to my satisfaction now, and they ARE Thothy. So I have included the Thoth titles here after the card name.

Ess i Svärd - (Ace of Swords)
Två i Svärd - Frid (Peace)
Tre i Svärd - Sorg (Sorrow)
Fyra i Svärd - Vapenvila (Truce)
Fem i Svärd - Nederlag (Defeat)
Sex i Svärd - Vetenskap (Science)
Sju i Svärd - Hopplöshet (Futility) - possibly Fördärv ?
Åtta i Svärd - Hinder (Interference)
Nio i Svärd - Grymhet (Cruelty)
Tio i Svärd - Fördärv (Ruin) – Undergang

Ess i Bägare - (Ace of Cups)
Två i Bägare - Kärlek (Love)
Tre i Bägare - Överflöd (Abundance)
Fyra i Bägare - Lyx (Luxury) -
Fem i Bägare - Besvikelse (Disappointment)
Sex i Bägare - Nöje (Pleasure)
Sju i Bägare - Utsvävningar (Debauch)

Åtta i Bägare - Slöhet (indolence)
Nio i Bägare - Lycka (Happiness)
Tio i Bägare - Mättnad (Satiety)

Ess i Stavar - (Ace of Wands)
Två i Stavar - Herravälde (Dominion)
Tre i Stavar - Förmåga (Virtue)
Fyra i Stavar - Komplettering (Completion)
Fem i Stavar - Strid (Strife)

Sex i Stavar - Seger (Victory)
Sju i Stavar - Tapperhet (Valour)
Åtta i Stavar - Snabbhet (Swiftness)
Nio i stavar - Styrka (Strength)
Tio i Stavar - Förtryck (Opression)

Ess i Skivor - (Ace of Disks)
Två i Skivor - Förändring (Change)
Tre i Skivor - Arbete (Work)
Fyra i Skivor - Kraft (Power)
Fem i Skivor - Oro (Worry)

Sex i Skivor - Framgång (Success)
Sju i Skivor - Misslyckande (Failure)
Åtta i Skivor - Försiktighet (Prudence)
Nio i Skivor - Vinning (Gain)
Tio i Skivor - Välstånd (Wealth)


And here are the cards I have left....

One or two OUGHT to work - like Konflikt OUGHT to be 5 Staves - but why is there a sword on the card (ALL the swords seem to have that bread knife thing :D) and that little house - And Fullbordan should work for 4 Staves - but....? and some of the staves have those... so maybe Makt for that four, as there are four houses on that. And so on.

HELP me, Scandi people :D


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page of ghosts

I think the Makt card can be 4 of coins - literally means Power and she's holding one of 4 houses.

Ängslan means anxiety, worry... maybe the 5 of coins? 5 birds in the cage, though one can't be quite sure of the amount of a thing with this one :D

Vällevnad reminds me of the 9 of coins with the bird in her hand. What have you assigned to this card already? It means "living well", might be other cards expressing this too though.

Gagnlöshet is a possibility for Hopelessness/Futility aka 7 of swords

Tilfrädsställhet is Satiety... maybe the 10 of cups? She has 10 eyes so that could be a clue.

Rikedom is a good candidate for 10 of coins imo. Means richness, wealth.

Fullbordan is fullfilled, completion. Not sure which that one is... a skeleton, 4 birds, a horn thingy and the sign of mercury together is... 4 of staves. A candidate for sure.

Sinnlighet I got as sensuality? Maybe one of the water cards? 6 of cups?

8 of swords is interference in the thoth, and there is a card called just that! Inblanding! She has 8 arms so I think we have a winner.

The passion card is very strange to me. Kinda looks like a major? Like Strength or Chariot? I'm thinking of the 2-headed animal and that weird thing in the upper middle. I think one of the thoth majors is called passion and the word is the same in Swedish.

Will probably edit this after looking up some words btw. I'm also sorry if this ends up confusing you any further, these are some tricky cards! I try to look for numbers and stuff but it's so hard to know if they are of significance or not :p


So what the bleep is that one that actually HAS 8 swords on it ? and is titled something about compassion ?

Got to go out for a bit.....

I'm back !

No time to scan just now, but there is a card called Lustan with a woman and a devil-like creature wrapped around her that I thought was Lust.

Oh - here you go, if the link works:


What do you think ?


Oh PS - the Swedish Thoth titles someone kindly found for me:

Narren (The Fool)

Magikern (The Magus)

Översteprästinnan (The Priestess)

Kejsarinnan (The Empress)

Kejsaren (The Emperor)

Översteprästen (The Hierophant)

De Älskande (The Lovers)

Vagnen (The Chariot)

Rättvisan (Adjustment)

Eremiten (The Hermit)

Ödeshjulet (Fortune)

Styrka (Lust)

Den hängande (The hanged man)

Döden (Death)

Alkemisten (Art)

Djävulen (The Devil)

Tornet (The Tower)

Stjärnan (The Star)

Månen (The Moon)

Solen (The Sun)

Domedagen (The Aeon)

Världen (The Universe)

I think I have matches for them all.....


Would Passion work for 7 cups do you think ? Debauch ?

I also kind of thought Gagnlöshet OUGHT to be a cups card because of the blossomy things....