The Quest Tarot-Son of Wands


Okay had to start a thread about my man the son of wands. I absolutely love this card. If any of you see this dude running around a field of flowers with butterflies surrounding him totally naked and jumping in the air like he hasn't a care in the world.... tell him to make his way down to Florida cause i need to meet him ;). And even if he weren't totally naked (you know how the cops are about nudity and stuff :)) that would be cool too. I could totally deal with half naked knight *laughing* I love this card, it makes me happy :).


First let me start with an interpretation I gave to this in a reading given last week.

Son of wands looks so happy and seems as happy as he had conquered the world. He has his arms open wide up towards the skies and he looks like he is allowing the Universe to flow through him without any resistance. There are so many birds & butterflies floating around him. There is a rainbow in this card too... There are two horses trying to run in opposite directions but they pale in front of his brilliance and joy.

This card indicates that you have all the potential needed to succeed in your efforts and also overcome your problems.

Let me see if I can see any new information which I missed last time.

He is standing in a nice hill side which is filles with beautiful flowering plants & green trees. Apart from the Son enjoying being there, the butterflies are also enjoying the nectar from the flowers. This looks like one of those perfectly happy & joyous cards where everything is going on greater than anyone can ever imagine.


Butterfly76 said:
If any of you see this dude running around a field of flowers with butterflies surrounding him totally naked and jumping in the air like he hasn't a care in the world.... tell him to make his way down to Florida cause i need to meet him ;).
I guess I can do all those except coming to florida naked..... :D
Well, I don't know whether I can get a V-shaped body like him, yet... :D
If I find anyone like him before I can be ready to get naked & be running in public, I will definitely send him your way.... :D
Just Kidding... :)

And even if he weren't totally naked (you know how the cops are about nudity and stuff :)) that would be cool too. I could totally deal with half naked knight
Great... that gives me some leeway(hope I got this word correct)... :)

Butterfly76, I haven't seen anyone describing a card like this before. Ofcourse, I never replied to any thread like this before too... :D
I guess there is always the first time.... :)



*laughing* I know, I crack myself up :). Life is way too short not to have fun. It doesn't mean I don't take things seriously.... i SERIOUSLY want to meet this dude *laughing*. I know what you mean though....people say that to me all the time, maybe its because i am always in my own world, you'll get used to it, all my friends have :). Now about the offer to run around half naked..... :)


Butterfly76 said:
*laughing* I know, I crack myself up :). Life is way too short not to have fun. It doesn't mean I don't take things seriously.... i SERIOUSLY want to meet this dude *laughing*. I know what you mean though....people say that to me all the time, maybe its because i am always in my own world, you'll get used to it, all my friends have :). Now about the offer to run around half naked..... :)
Its great to be in your own world... I think that is nicest place in the universe. I dont understand why any one would want to be in a place which somebody else created. The irony is sometimes even I tend to run away from my own world. ;) I guess I have created quite a few mini worlds inside myself. One to enjoy & life life, one to escape from the same life, and a few more.... Quite a few contradicting worlds. :D


hahaha that's funny, lots of mini parallel universes. That's cool. I just have one, there's the real world and then there's my world. I zone out a lot, people will be talking to me and i won't answer and they think i'm being rude but everyone who knows me knows that i'm just not paying attention..... well i guess that could be considered as rude *laughing* Its a bad habit, i do it all the time, i'll get bored and just leave mentally. Cool at least i know i'm not the only one who has an alternate universe of her own :).


There are two horses at the top.
There are several birds of white color flying all over the picture.
There are a few butterflies too, of different colors.
It looks like a nice garden, not a human created one, but created by the nature.
The guy is smiling and happy .
There is bright aura around his head.
Everything else looks happy & harmless in the picture.
What is this lion doing in this garden in the middle of such peace & joy?
Even the lion is looking peaceful and relaxing.
As in several cards, even this card has beautiful flowers.


MysticHermit said:
What is this lion doing in this garden in the middle of such peace & joy?
Even the lion is looking peaceful and relaxing.

The Son of Wands is most likely a Leo. Certainly acts like a Leo anyway! So that lion is his guardian animal. :)


So many animals ...

... depicted in this card. Some of the air, some of the earth. Some a little of both! My impressions on this card:

- I look at the lion in this peaceful setting as a "lion lying down with the lamb," or in this case, the lion lying down with the butterflies. In other words, the Son certainly possesses aggression and force, and they're his to use, but in this case, he wants to express only those parts of himself that are joy and beauty. Let sleeping lions lie.

- He appears as a golden idol -- an object of admiration. Give him wings, and he'd be an Emmy! He can do no wrong right now, he's the object of desire. Is he a social butterfly? Does he need to settle down? Is he someone who's just gone through an incredible transformation emerging better than he was?

- Is the aurora around his head the epiphany he's been hoping for? With his arms thrown wide, he looks like he's shouting "Eureka!"

- The pushme-pullyou horses at the top of the card are mysterious. They appeared to be saddled, but have no reins attached. Are they symbolic of two important efforts in his life, threatening to bolt out of control and pull him apart? They almost have the appearance of carousel horses -- going round and round, but getting nowhere. No matter what their significance -- he's taking a break from them right now. But as with all issues that require our attention, they are merely in the background now, not forgotten.