The Last Ritual


Does anyone know where this piece of Harris artwork is today?

It was included in the little booklet that was produced for Crowley's funeral. I've got a copy of the reproduction issued by the Mandrake Press. But the image quality is not very good. Kind of faded and washed out. I'd love to see the original. I wonder if it was a full colour painting or pencil sketch?


That's the facsimile reprint I own. It's an A4 booklet so the reproduction of of Harris' painting is quite big. But it's just so washed out it's difficult to make out all the details.

A thought occured to me yesterday. Did Harris paint it specifically for that booklet? Or did she already have something on hand, like reject card designs?


Do you know yhow long it was between Crowley's death and his funeral? I think Freida was the executor of his estate, and apparently the funeral planner. I wonder if there was time in there to come up with a new piece of artwork?


Crowley died on the 1st and was cremated on the 5th December 1947. That's not long at all. And that's not taking into account the time it would take to produce the booklets.

I think there are two possibilities.

1) Crowley's decline happened over a period of months. So Harris may have begun an original work in anticipation of his eventual death.

2) Harris already had something suitable already made up. My gut instinct says a reject Universe card was used. How fitting for the Last Ritual?