RWS Tarot 101 Three of Pentacles


Three of Pentacles

“I work well with others, recognizing each persons expertise and value to the job” Greer

When looking into the Three of Pentacles I see a master craftsman stopping work to converse with other craftsman, or planners. This shows us to do our best and to cooperate with others to accomplish a common goal. Being responsible, well trained, following procedures is of the Pentacle idea of security by following regulations and conservativism. Developing your skills along with hard work and determination will help you to become successful. Find a career what you enjoy, are emotionally and financially fulfilling. These jobs will inspire you to continue to reeducate yourself and to continue to work hard.

Direct: learning new skills, success in college exams, reap reward for your skills; need to be honest fair with business dealings, everything by the book.

Reversed: unskilled, unwilling to learn, unable to concentrate, stuck in a job, sloppy, wasteful, having more ego than ability, need to improve skills.

Other treads on the Three of Pentacles Three's Discussion Group


Thank you.

I've been confused by the card because every description I've read refers to "patrons" or "employers" or such, but one is holding a blueprint of sorts, and it seems more like they are planning & designing together.

Reading your take makes me realize I've not been confident in my own observations, assuming more experienced readers know better than me. Now I'll go back through the cards and see what other "troublesome" cards may actually be clear!


...I think that this card can also simply mean that you are "able to" profit from
("are" profiting from, or "will" profit from) your very well created crafts, a written work
that you wrote, or anything that you made yourself. Your skill is excellent in
whatever you are creating (or do best) and you can, are, or will profit greatly
from your talents.

Also, others have taken notice of the great mastery of your skills or creativity
and they are appreciating and approving of your talents.

...There are sooo many different ways to look at each card! :D


Yes, great point, this is the card of a Master craftsman..there are many ways to read this my mother to kid around with me and say "go with the force" , read em as you see them..

Feretain: I found that putting down in writing what I see in the cards have helped me to look further into the meanings..when doing actual readings I have had things pop up in my head..just keep studying. Even the tarot teacher I am working with tells me she learns something new everyday from me! a novice, new eyes, a new outlook! Keep at it.;)


3 of Pents

Upright: I would go with movement on the material or physical plane. Financial growth, developments in business and other material endeavors

Reversed: Progression is blocked or delayed, growth isn't what it should be in some endeavor



One man is working, but others are not
It means something is important, but only you can do it
the three pentacles on the top of the card, it means the work
is keeping at high quailty needed, and working man is in a position
of professional.


I always take this to mean that someone has made a plan with another and they will be notifying the third person of this future plan. Think of two people, one with the idea telling the other who goes along with it and then they include the third person because that's how it will be completed. They need all 3 people. Even if the third entity is not human.


I see a monk and a court jester with a craftman. It seems to me that three different people, with different ideas have come together to work at a common project. Perhaps the card is saying to not discard any ideas because sometimes it takes different views of something to come up with a plan that works. Working together with different people to make something succeed.


The first thing I notice about this card is the fact that it is a very busy card, three people feature and it is difficult to know who to look at first. Therefore, my eyes tend to drift towards the three pentacles, placed in the stone work. It gives the impression of a rural monastery. The pillars, layered and sturdy stone are definitely Church stone. There is a flower in the centre of the stone which brings back memories of some sort of masonic symbol from the 'Roslyn Chapel.' The Roman numerals on the card seem to fit into the stone structure, which I like a lot.

The three pentacles, arraigned as they are, are pagan in my mind. But not an uneasy pagan. Somerset is very much pagan and I feel the stone work could creep into all sort of buildings around here, perhaps dilapidated buildings. The arches make me think of cloisters, a large church or cathedral with many tiny off set pieces.

Thinking of the card in terms of pentacles meaning money or wealth, perhaps the card signifies a form of spiritual wealth.

Onto the people in the card. In the for front two mean seem to be conversing, one is wearing a very odd full redish/orange gown, a jester? . He is holding what appears to be a blanket or paper in his arms. They look like blueprints. The other man is a monk or churchman of some kind. They are watching a man who is prancing about, seemingly with a cup (perhaps he is drunk) on one of the benches. They do not seem bemused to see him there. Though you would have thought it would have been odd to see someone prance about in such a manner inside a Church.

Wild West Barbie

The Triumvirate

Hi Fragments from UK, I see the 3 Pentacles as a "meaningful combination", a triumvirate of monk, architect & artisan. To me the Monk represents the spiritual need, the Nobleman/Architect the means, the nobleman's investment and/or the architect's designs/practical plans & the Artisan as the creative action. Together they build a monastery of splendour, a great work of art. I also see three dimensionality, the dimension of depth. Wild West Barbie