Pending decision and its aspects spread


I usually tend to agonize more about the aspects of what I'm going to do than what to do when it comes to Tarot. So I made this spread to provide insight on specific decisions/actions/etc.
  5   6
 7     9

Shaped like a pendulum to go with "pending" lol. Also, I intended this spread to be about the aspects of an action done at a specific time or date.

1. The nature of what you want to do
2. Why do you want do it (based on feelings)
3. Is it a good idea or bad idea overall? (based on what you want to achieve. 1-4 can influence it so negative cards can be good and vice versa)
4. Why is it a good or bad idea?
5. What everyone who witnesses this action/gesture will think
6. How the people or person this action/gesture relates to will feel/think
7-9. Is there any more I should do/not do with this action/gesture? Like number 3, these cards can be bad or good depending on what other cards are in the reading, especially numbers 5 and 6.

Hope this helps someone. ^^ It really cleared things up for me.