astrology study group ~ leo

isthmus nekoi

Today, the sun moves into Leo, the sign that it rules, and therefore, of its dignity.

Leo is a fixed fire sign, the apex of summer at its sunniest! So we'll finally get to discuss our sun signs as well as any planets in Leo or the 5th house - house of creativity, risk and children...

For those just stepping in, you are welcome to join us anytime! Please check out the index thread to see what the group's about, and past discussions:

Alright now, all you Leos come out of the woodwork and bask in the limelight b/c it's your month ^_~

isthmus nekoi

I have no planets in Leo, and it cusps my 7th house, and therefore lies on my DC. My 5th is cusped by Gemini. I'm a Cap sun in 12th.

You can read all about my Cap sun in the Cap thread, or Pisces (12th) thread, I think I've blathered enough there about my sun... :)

w/Gem on 5th, I am *extremely* curious, and my creativity flows easily into different mediums. Its ruler, Merc is conj sun in 12th, squaring Sat/Jup in 8th, so my creative endeavors are always tied to the unconscious. Sometimes I do feel like it is a burden or a threat, sometimes it is a lifesaver.
I've also wondered what this placement would indicate in terms of investments.... I'm not sure whether this is a positive thing, or negative thing, as Merc is also the ruler of my 8th (Virgo on cusp)!

w/Leo on the DC, anyone who is a close friend will have to learn to put up w/my dramatics and be a good listener. But w/Aqu ASC, I can promise you won't be bored! ;)

I've read DC represents the type of person you are attracted to.... but I think it may have a broader interpretation. The ruler of my 7th (sun) is square both Jupiter/Saturn in 8th, so this indicates clashes w/authority or patriarchal figures (Saturn), as well as making teacher figures (Jupiter) important.

The interesting thing to note is that my father has a stellium in Leo (including sun!), and when I was young, he was very strict and authoritarian - although this perception is partly due to a culture clash, I think. He's chilled out in his old age, but he still is very Leonian - he loves children, he loves the limelight. The funniest part is now that I'm older, my father has turned a full 180 it seems - I am free to do whatever I want (since I never listened anyways lol), and he spoils me to no end (very Leo!).. I'm more the authoritarian now; I have to place limits b/c he doesn't bother. He should consider himself lucky to have such a practical Cap daughter!!


Here I am...

4 planets in Leo! I'll join this thread to learn! Sun, Ascendant, Uranus, and North Node (?) all in Leo.
edited: Sun and Asc in the first house,
North Node and Uranus in the second house...
not that I know what any of this means! LOL, that's why I'm here! : )


Or you might have been projecting your Capricorn Sun onto your Father. when you were young LOL

Ah Yes....Leo... I've been waiting for this, since Scorpio :)

First, just a reminder that Leo, The Sun and the Fifth are not the same, as some Astrologers seem to suggest - however it is extremely convenient to work through the building blocks of Astrology in threes.

For me Leo is probably the most important sign in my chart. I have a Leo Ascendant, and Mars, Saturn and Pluto all in Leo. Saturn lies less than 2.5 degrees from my Ascendant on the twelfth House side, the other two are safely (?) tucked in my telfth House.

Rather than try a conventional reading, I thought I would have a go at a traditional one - determining my temperament.

Leo is a Hot and Dry sign so this first indication is of a Choleric Temperament (more of that later)

Saturn is a Cold and moist when west of the Sun, but it is in a Hot and Dry sign so it has relatively little effect. Other aspcts are squares from Mercury and Jupiter in Scorpio and these will again cool the Heat of the Ascendant a little and make a greater reduction to the dryness. Finally the Moon opposes my Ascendant from Aquarius. Aquarius is a hot and moist sign, the Moon is Cold and Moist, the temperature probably balances here but again there is a reduction in Dryness. My Ascendant ruler is the Sun, in Libra. Whilst the Sun is always Hot and Dry in principle its temperature is usually taken as relating to the season and the sign. However as the Ascendant ruler, it will be still fundamentally Hot an Dry and the season and sign leave it as such. So a little Heat is added back and the dryness increased.

Traditional Astrology would not simply consider the Ascendant as the sole basis for temperament. The Sun and Moon would also be considered and also the strongest planet in the chart - known as the Lord of the Geniture.

The Sun for me is in Libra - it is Cold and Dry in Autumn but it will be a little less cold and a little less dry in Libra. Cold and Dry is referred to as Melancholic.

The Moon is in its First Quarter in my birth chart and in this phase it is seen as being Hot and Moist. Its in a Hot and Moist sign - Aquarius so its a little hotter and a little moister. Hot and Moist is known as Sanguine. My Moon is squared by Mercury from Scorpio. Mercury East of the Sun is dry but it is in a cold and moist sign, so the net effect is to reduce the heat but leave the moisture about the same. It also has an opposition to Saturn, which is a cold and moist but in a Hot and Dry sign. So with the Moon I have the third temperament of being Sanguine.

Finally the Lord of the Geniture. The strongest planet in my chart is Venus, just shading it from the Moon. Venus is in the fourth House - which gives it accidental dignity and also is in its own terms.

Venus is normally a Hot and Moist planet but to the east of the Sun it is dry, in a cold and moist sign it is just below dry and cold - back to Melancholic. It squares Mars a hot and dry planet in Leo - a hot and dry sign so slightly warmer than cold and back to dry.

Overall my temperament on a traditional basis come out as mainly moderate melancholic with dashes of Choleric and Sanguine.

Melancholic signifies someone who is deep and thougthful, analyitical. conscientious and idealistic a lover of philosophy and beauty. On the negative side melancholic can be moody and depressed, too introspective, has guilt feelings and can be too self centred.

For me Leo through the Ascendant and its ruler the Sun contributes a significant amount but that significant amount tends to be the Choleric streak

Confident, dynamic, self sufficient, strong willed and goal orientated but can be impatient, impatient, is uncomfortable with tears and emotions and is inflexible.


If you want to try out the traditional temperaments in a non-Astrological way there is a personality test at:

I came out as mainly Melancholic (good reading above)

but with Phlegmatic as the second streak (bad reading above)

It gives a guide to the temperaments as well.

I'll post on fifth house and some of the other issues later.



Leo is my star sign, and I am very proud of it (wouldn't be if I wasn't a Leo, right?).

I did the test, and I'm mostly sanguine (whatever that means), 2nd streak: Phlegmatic... too bad I don't know if I should be happy or sad with the results :D



If you go back to the main page - in the yellow line at the top it says Definitions: and then gives you the four types with (W|S) after each one.

This stands for Weaknesses and Strengths and in each case the W and the S are links to the run down of the temperament.


Sun in Pisces, and in my 5th, I have Mercury (retrograde) in Pisces. Also, Leo is my "true node" whatever that might mean. It is actually listed as my MC too, so maybe those are the same things. Also, Leo is in my 10th? Yeah. All I know is that most Leos are very confusing to me.


I am back to the page to figure out what that means...


My temperament link seems to have infected the Leo thread.

If you are highly Leo you should come out as Choleric, or at least it should be your dominant temperament.

I have started a separate thread for people who just want to explore what their temperament is and to compare it to other psychological types.

Please post any comments not directly related to Leo in that thread otherwise Leo will get quite choleric about it and cause widespread melancholy amongst forum members :)