The Sun, the Star and the mountains in the distance


Last night I dreamt of my Thoth deck. I was inside the cards and they were moving. First I saw the Princess of Swords, one of the cards I like least because she looks as if she’s trapped in a crystal. But in the dream she was moving very deftly. I was amazed to see that.

Then I was inside the Sun card. Yellow light was all around me and it was warm and I was happy. There was so much more to see now that I was inside the card. There were mountains in the distance I had never noticed before. It was a really beautiful experience and I thought to myself (grins) ‘I must buy the big version of the deck so I can study the details better’. I have toyed with the idea of getting a large Thoth – and of course now I really really want one, but I think it would be an extravagant purchase at the moment.

This morning I looked at the Sun card, but there are no mountains, just the green hill in the centre (Paradise? the top of Mount Purgatory?). I was shuffling the deck and I drew the Star - and guess what: there are the exact same mountains in the distance that I saw in the dream, only in the dream they were yellow because of the light of the Sun.

Can anyone make sense of this? Needless to say, my Thoth deck is here by my side as I'm writing this.


Hi BrightEye.. I think you have been given a real gift to have that sort of dream. It was as if the cards were being revealed to you. You must be thrilled !


Yes, I was thrilled - although I'm still trying to figure out what was being revealed. I think 'revealed' is the operative word. I'll probably not work it out in my conscious mind but intuitively (through the body? that's how it feels). That may have been the whole point of the exercise - to get a different approach to the cards.


Hi BrightEye

I was just thinking, do you remember the first time
you saw these cards and simply held them without
really knowing anything about them~nothing deep?

Maybe if you reconnected to your first impressions,
and saw the cards again as you saw them at first~
it could be that the dream was about rediscoveries.



Cool dreams! Love the stuff about the princess of swords, I have a fondness for her lately, I have a friend who reminds me of her, she's a feminist activist, not at all trapped, she talks a mile a minute, LOL always cutting through the bull and trying to get to the truth.

I have a big Thoth. That green hill on the Sun card reminds me of fertility, a green day in spring, before the sun starts to fry everything again. I live in the high desert, spring is the only brief time the mountains here have any green.


I am now also in the possession of a large Thoth. Desire won over prudence! And the hill in the Sun card reminds me of days in June when I was little.

I was quite surprised it was the Thoth that appeared in the dream because it's never (until now) been my favourite deck, although my first.

I asked the cards what they meant to tell me by that dream and they gave me

Ace of Wands, Magician, 10 of Swords.

I think the Ace and the Magician have to do with creativity. Maybe they want to give me some kind of inspiration for writing (which I haven't been able to do for a long time). But I have a niggling feeling that the Magician might refer to actual magic, I don't know why.

For the 10 of Swords I actually heard in my mind 'the end of heartbreak'. The handle of the 10th swords, the broken one, is in the position of Tiphareth, the world of beauty.


Big Thoth is fun eh? :) I think it's telling you: surrender to your creative urges. Or...maybe there's a Magician in your life who's sparking something? ;) As Wayne & Garth on SNL used to say, schwing! Tentpole! LOL The ace of fire always reminds me of that libidinal rush.


BrightEye said:
The princess of swords is angry, her sacred alter has been defiled, she has felt powerless, but now she has taken things in hand, her deft movements show competence moving towards resolution and adjustment. Resolution is coming leading to more posative feelings of security and health. New realms and ways of being are about to come into focus, explore new territory. Lie under the stars and absorb some stella radiation


ravenest said:
The princess of swords is angry, her sacred alter has been defiled, she has felt powerless, but now she has taken things in hand, her deft movements show competence moving towards resolution and adjustment. Resolution is coming leading to more posative feelings of security and health. New realms and ways of being are about to come into focus, explore new territory. Lie under the stars and absorb some stella radiation
That's nicely put. Like the preivious comments I copied this into my notebook. Is that your intuition telling you she's angry/powerless or is it in the card? That's certainly how I've been feeling.


BrightEye said:
Is that your intuition telling you she's angry/powerless or is it in the card? That's certainly how I've been feeling.

Intuition, for want of a better word. She WAS powerless because she WAS undeveloped ... she's still angry and something is going to be done about it (not necassarily by you) I wouldn't want to get in her way now!

She is also Minerva, the patron of battle and armour (have a think about armour and protection - light and usefull, not cumbersome and heavy armour).

Don't forget to absorb some star rays.