

I've often wondered if these two decks are the same in colouring - I bought the green box Thoth which was about £10 cheaper than the blue box Swiss Thoth. I've never seen the blue box Swiss Thoth, only scans of it.


It's a subtle difference, and possibly anecdotal based on print runs or whatever. But if I lay them next to each other, the Blue box is ever so slightly more saturated, the shadows a little sharper, the art a little crisper. But it's a subtle difference. And might be nothing more than a FAB print run of Blue Box and a slightly grainy Green Box.


Thanks Scion,

Think I'll hold off from buying a blue box Thoth for the moment then - I probably have too many Thoth's in my collection as it is. :)


Scion said:
Supposedly the large Us Games and the Blue Box AG Mueller are identical, but I've always found that the Blue Box has richer, more subtle color and sturdier stock. Would others agree?
As they are printed by the same factory, I don't see how.....


If anyone would know, Gregory would know! :)

Then what I'm seeing here has got to be a subtle difference in print runs or a shift in production locations between years. The trouble is, I have several Thoths and I know the production has changed over the decades...


I found the Suster book.

It was lurking in a dusty corner of the spare room.
It growled and tried to bite me....

I have re read it.
Yes. It's interesting.

But I don't think a complete beginner would be any better off with that one than with the Book of Thoth.
Except it's shorter, and they might make it through to the end before giving up....

The complete beginner would break down in tears crying....
'but what do the cards mean....?'


Scion said:
If anyone would know, Gregory would know! :)

Then what I'm seeing here has got to be a subtle difference in print runs or a shift in production locations between years. The trouble is, I have several Thoths and I know the production has changed over the decades...

What I know is that if you look in both the new style boxes (USG and blue) the deck wrapping inside is identical - has the same sticker, the same "printed by..... in......"

I only DO know this one because I was looking a while ago for a new one with the red and black UCH card (don't bother, people - they are all bloody rainbows. If you are as obsessive about that as I was, e-bay is the only answer :D)

But I note that one of my MUCH older Muller ones WAS printed in Switzerland....


I have the purple box (small) and the cardstock is terrible. I ruined my Page of Cups the second day I owned it with a water spot. Just be very careful. They damage easily.


I'm still Thothing on an occasional basis and really getting rather nice readings from it! I did not expect this. Thoth is not as hard as I expected it to be. I decided to play around with it. I shuffled my regular size very thoroughly, and started looking at the pictures, without looking at the keywords and just trying to see what came into my mind. I spoke outloud while doing it and just letting my imagination ramble. When done with a card I would look under the key words and most of the time it was close enough. A rather fun exercise and now I am a lot more comfortable with the deck and find I use it more than I ever expected to. I am still a RW lady, but I am happy to finally be connecting to Thoth, too!