Which deck do you think is the most beautiful?


Trionfi Della Luna and Invisible Light.


I suppose the Serghi Udovichenko Ex-Libris Tarot is the most beautiful contemporary tarot deck. (I think it's also one of the most complex and sophisticated programs of tarot imagery ever done. In my opinion, that adds a lot to the "beauty" of it.)

Though hard to compare different approaches, I suppose the Iona is a close second.

Of full 78 card decks, I suppose I'd look to Corte dei Tarocchi. The original Anna Maria D'Onofrio Portfolio version is quite a marvelous experience to sink into.


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Trionfi della Luna for me as well.

Second prize in a beauty contest goes to Vacchetta in any incarnation. Just very, very pretty.

Bat Chicken

I suppose the Serghi Udovichenko Ex-Libris Tarot is the most beautiful contemporary tarot deck. (I think it's also one of the most complex and sophisticated programs of tarot imagery ever done. In my opinion, that adds a lot to the "beauty" of it.)

Though hard to compare different approaches, I suppose the Iona is a close second.

Of full 78 card decks, I suppose I'd look to Corte dei Tarocchi. The original Anna Maria D'Onofrio Portfolio version is quite a marvelous experience to sink into.

Oh wow...


For beauty, it's a toss up between Victorian Romantic and Omaggio a Erté.


Prisma tarot, 1st ed coloured
the Daniloff 1st ed.

There may be far more beautiful ones out there than these, but of the decks I own, these are the ones I love best, and find most beautiful! Just wish the card stock on the Daniloff was sturdier.

Holly doll

Well, I love the Scapini's Delle Vertrate (Stained Glass Windows) - don't even TRY to read as if were fully illustrated! For me, it's a purely intuitive deck, I loved it so much I bought 2.

Anything Malpertuis does is sublime, with rich colours & beautiful cardstock; the cards make you work though - they don't give you easy answers. })

Red Ltd. ed SDotB; gorgeous cardstock & the red really makes the cards "pop", I love working with it - again I bought 2 - just in case there's a volcanic eruption in my tarot cupboard you understand...

My all time favourite would have to be Nefertari's Tarots - with its lush gold & easy readibility...I bought 3:shhh:


If we're talking simply about the beauty of the artwork, I would vote for Shadowscapes. It's such a shame that in Tarot size, it all turns into a vague blur, because the imagery is really breathtaking.


The Trungles deck is absolutely stunning, I will be keeping an eye open for any further developments on that! Thank-you for flagging that one up (not that my Paypal will be pleased).
The most beautiful for me are the much mentioned Prisma Visions, anything by Malpertuis and the wonderful Pen Tarot.
So many beautiful decks and so many very talented artists....