Choosing Between Two Lovers Spread


I was asked by a client how she would know which lover to choose. I had to come up with something that would speak to this question so I developed the following spread.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(10)OVERALL HOPE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

(5)Hopes~~(4)Lover One~(6)Fears-------(8)Hopes~(7)Lover Two~(9)Fears


First card is the Querant.
Second card is their hopes as they pertain to the relationship.
Third card is their fears as they pertain to the relationship.

Fourth card is Lover one
Fifth card is their hopes as they pertain to the relationship.
Sixth card is their fears as they pertain to the relationship.

Sevent card is Lover two
Eigth card is their hopes as they pertain to the relationship.
Ninth card is their fears as they pertain to the relationship.

Tenth card is over all hopes and should clearly point to one or the other. Don't try to determine which pile is lover one and which is lover two until all cards are laid out. If the querent is with you (mine wasn't as this was an online reading), then you can ask them which lover is which pile after you describe the card that is the Lover in each three group.

I would love to hear from you on how you like this.

For a Polyamorous or Polyfidelous relationship, this spread would also work.


choosing between two lovers spread

I did this spread I wasn't sure to go back with an old lover or stay with my marriage and this spread told me to stay with my marriage.I am very impressed with this spread thank you. I will keep this in my journal.


Having trouble

Hi ArwenNightstar. I'm interested in trying this spread out, but at the risk of sounding totally dense, I am having trouble figuring out which card is 1, which is 2, etc. Your commentary doesn't seem to match up with the diagram (but like I said, I could just be dense!) Could you maybe edit it with the numbers?


Amhran said:
Hi ArwenNightstar. I'm interested in trying this spread out, but at the risk of sounding totally dense, I am having trouble figuring out which card is 1, which is 2, etc. Your commentary doesn't seem to match up with the diagram (but like I said, I could just be dense!) Could you maybe edit it with the numbers?


I have also really adapted this spread heavily.

Let me see if I can show you.


1. You
2. Your hopes
3. Your fears

4. Person A
5. Person A's hopes
6. Person A's fears

7. Person B
8. Person B's hopes
9. Person B's fears

10. What is between You and Person A
11. What is between You and Person B
12. What you need most.
13. Overall Hope



That's more clear. I'll give it a try.


I really like how you did this spread. I have a friend in which is having some problems in choosing between a few girls... I think this will be perfect to use for him. Thanks for sharing!

Blessed Be,


LadyBlackRose said:
I really like how you did this spread. I have a friend in which is having some problems in choosing between a few girls... I think this will be perfect to use for him. Thanks for sharing!

Blessed Be,

Let me know how the reading goes. And you can add people as necessary. I think the bridge cards are important in this reading.

I use this one for polyamorous groups as well.


My friend's reading came out very clear. He did tell me that each card was fairly accurate on the two girls. He even had decided which one he is going to ask out. This is an excellent spread. Great job!
Blessed Be,


LadyBlackRose said:
My friend's reading came out very clear. He did tell me that each card was fairly accurate on the two girls. He even had decided which one he is going to ask out. This is an excellent spread. Great job!
Blessed Be,

Glad to hear it! I have a quote in my testimonials from this spread where the person asked, "but how did you know their hair color?" grin.

Fallen Angel

Need to decide

Hey there !!

Im gonna try this out asap !! Im actually in a situation where I need to decide between 2 guys before things go any further with each of them. I tried a love triangle spread and was pleased with the accuracy, however the outcome (7 of cups) has left me non the wiser so Im hoping this will shed some more light on the situation.

I`ll keep you posted ;)