Legacy of The Divine - 3 of Wands as Choice


I had a very interesting revelation with this card when doing a reading today. The question was specifically regarding what decision I will have to make and the 3 of wands landed in the center of the draw. I had never quite seen this before in this card, and perhaps it's because of the deck I'm using specifically (which is the Legacy of Divine deck) that this image and idea popped up at me but, I feel like it's definitely something interesting to share regardless. I usually see the 3 of Wands card as a card about waiting, relaxing even. 'Your ships coming in' and all that jazz. But when looking at this card, I thought it was undeniably interesting that the man is standing betwixt 3 wands. One on one side of him and two on the other. It seems almost like the man is being offered two routes to take in this card. Either one road to take on his own or one road to take with others. Anyone else ever saw this with this card? I guess it's even more interesting because on the side with one wand, there was only one court card, but on the otherside between the two wands, there were two. Just thought this was a neat little insight worth sharing in case other people get stuck on this.


Choose to be guided by your inner wisdom - you are being looked after.

Works for me with this card, every time.


Plan A or the back up Plan B, being resourceful and looking out for your interests, not putting all your eggs in one basket. You always have choices and opportunities, the trick is knowing which one to shoose that will end up with the biggest and best rewards, not only financially but more importantly ones that make you feel good about yourself and your choices. Since it's wands it would be the choice you want most to get where you want to be.


Interesting insight! I also don't get the vibe of anxious anticipation from the card but more of contemplation. I think that the sunset adds to that impression, as well as the posture of the man waiting on the shore.

Will he take a chance and board the ship or remain within the safety of the shore? The balloons holding up the flying ship are so colorful that it makes me think of running off and joining the circus! It's a bold move and with the possibility of adventure. The man has been waiting for it, yearning for it, preparing for it. But now that the ship is here, could it be he is having second doubts? Is he doubting the validity of his dreams? I get the sense that this isn't the time to give up but to take that leap of faith and see your plans through.