Year spread


I created this spread some time ago for a reading i did. it has worked out well for me and for the people i have read for. i wanted to get any feedback on it and see what you think. thanks

The Year Ahead Spread:

-------------------------- 9----------------
-------------------------7---- 8-----------------------
------------------------ LOVE----------------

--------------- 3 --------13 -------- 6---------------------
----------- 1-- 2-------YEAR ------4 --- 5------------------
----------HOUSE------------------ HEALTH------------------
-------------------------12 --------------------------------

1-4-7-10--- where you are now/your current situation and/or influences

2-5-8-11--- what you need to pay attention to/ what can guide you to change

3-6-9-12---possible outcome from following your guidance cards choices

13---YEAR card---the overall look at your life this year. the main atmosphere that shows up.

ok i figured out how to "draw" the spread on this board :)


I don't like doing year spreads because I think past three months a reading is getting off and I think the top distance one can really read is top 6 months. So I've been looking for a monthly spread and I like your spread, and I think one can change a little yours to make it fit for a monthly spread:

------------------------ LOVE----------------

-------------------------9 -------------------------------
-----------1---2-------MONTH -----3---4------------------
----------HOUSE------------------ HEALTH------------------
------------------------- --------------------------------


1-3-5-7--- what you need to pay attention to/ what can guide you to change

2-4-6-8--- possible outcome from following your guidance cards choices

9---MONTH card---the overall look at your life this month. the main atmosphere that shows up.


I've just tried this - I understand Wolfyjames's reservation about 12 month readings but I take this spread in good grace as an indicator from this point and know that it can and will change depending upon variant factors. I don't think the number of cards needs to change whether it's for a week, a month or a year.

That said, I liked it! I need to use it as a layout a few times because the positions are unfamiliar. It worked really well for me - when I first looked at the groupings, I thought 'how can that represent x y or z' but when I went through the reading in order, it made absolute sense.

Thank you!!


Thanks for putting this up. I might try it as a monthly spread like Wolfyjames did :)