Magician for physical attractiveness?


So the magician was pulled to signify how physically attractive someone is to others and I'm not sure how to interpret this. The magician is attracive in terms of the creative tools, talents, charm he has but what would you say for physical attractiveness?


clarity, I would be inclined to think that a person like the Magician would be very charming and attractive, even when they don't posses perfect is their magnetism that makes them attractive, their intelligence and personality.

I personally would be attracted to someone with those charateristics....



clarity said:
So the magician was pulled to signify how physically attractive someone is to others and I'm not sure how to interpret this. The magician is attracive in terms of the creative tools, talents, charm he has but what would you say for physical attractiveness?
How physically attractive he is to others? VERY. He's magic, he's magnetic, he's distinguished. This doesn't mean he's got a sculpted figure or no flaws, just that however he looks, it's interesting, intreguing.

The Magician is the male equlivant of a Marilyn Monroe and her ilk. Good looking yes, but the physical attraction involves something extra, something magical. Put him in a room with a dozen other guys who all look equally as good if not more handsome--and he will still stand out. He's got something that the camera loves, that makes him the "It" guy.

I'd guess that he's also a flashy or at least dapper dresser...with all kinds of tricks up his sleeve.


I agree. He is what you call a good catch. He has the brains (swords), he has the money (pentacles), he knows where he is going in life, wants to be and want to do (wands) and he is can turn her on emotionally (cups).

Like Thirteen says, he has the "it" factor.


Hmmm.. magician for physical attractiveness.

Well, I feel the magician is more of a flirty sexy kind of person. Kinda like a Johhny Depp (Pirates), or perhaps a kind of Nicole Kidman (in her moulin rouge form). A tease, probably bisexual, or perhaps unconsciously attracting people of both sexes with numerous flirty statements and mixed vibes.

As far as physical attractiveness... well not really a sensual ethereal beauty, but more like a glamourous stylish chic kind who knows how to "work it".


How about charismatic, mesmerizing, has a flair and can do wonders? OH... he knows how to put it all together and transform it into a something unique and distinctively his own look. Or he's a chameleon, he can adapt to any envrionment or social setting with ease and aplomb.


This might also depend a bit on the tarot tradition you're working in. In a Waite/Golden Dawn tradition, the Magician is a real magician able to do real magic: the kind of person who is attractive because of magnetic personality. The magician can manifest what he/she wants through force of will, including sex appeal.

In the Marseille tradition, the Magician is more of a trickster/mountebank, a "magician" in the sleight-of-hand sense. That would fit with the "flirty/tease" interpretation.


The Magician, regardless of how he looks, will charm everything off of you. And you'll probably ask him to do it again.

Charisma trumps looks every time, with this one.


I kind of have my own giggle at the Magician as I have him pinned in my mind as Bill Clinton !!!!!!!!!! Think about it, he has all those qualities and still pulling more rabbits out of the hat ! It was when I was studying the Magician I discovered that for myself. He creates and recreates and because of his personal charisma and talents succeeds !

Next we will be seeing him as the Presidential husband... maybe.. lol lol


Yeah, like Bill Clinton isn't all that good looking but he has that southern charm to make a lot of women want to knock boots with him in the White House.

Again, someone says Johnny Depp in the pirate movie. He looks like a flea infested misfit, but somehow his character comes off kind of sexy in that movie.

The person's charm may make you forget what they actually look like, especially if they are not physically attractive. However, if they are, oh my!