Buckland Romani-5 of Bolers(wheels)


This card is a lot different than the traditional 5 of pentacles I'm used to. Upon first glance, I thought it was very much the same. A mother and her children seemingly poor and in need, but as I looked closely at the faces of the children, I began to wonder... The mother does indeed look as though she is in despair. She has a bowl in front of her which I suppose is a bowl she will use to collect money from passersby. The family is sitting in front of the building with the stained glass window as opposed to walking by it and trying to keep moving. The look on the children's faces suggest otherwise. They almost look as though they are up to no good. Could it be that they are not in need but merely playing on the sympathy of those who pass by to get an extra buck? In addition, the card is not the cold and snowy card I have seen in the past, it is quite a bright sunny card. IT seems as though it is full of opportunity. Perhaps a reminder that all is not what it seems, a caution upon giving to those who may not really be as needy as they let on.

What do you guys think?


Begging is a job for many Rom. And begging in front or just to the side of the church is an excellent location, fought over by many in the clan. Only families iwth some clout can claim this turf!
The mother's facial expression is that of a trained beggar.
Sure she is in need, everyone is.... but the kids are well fed and, being kids and making eye contact telling the real story.....

Madame Squee

I see embarrassment in the children's faces. Their mother, however, is more concerned about getting the help she needs to take care of her daughters than succumbing to prickles of pride, I think.