Celestial Tarot - The Chariot (Cancer)


The Chariot ~ Cancer ~

Elemental symbol - Water
Astrological ruler - Cancer
Astrological correspondence - Moon
Hebrew Letter - Cheth

Cancer can accomplish some remarkable goals and accomplishments throughout the course of their lives and many Cancers make a global impact. When they want something, they usually get it and Cancerians has the strength, conviction and passion to surmount the insurmountable and achieve remarkable success. Those Cancers who learn to balance their emotions and rely upon their instincts and intuition to guide their daily decisions often leave a lasting legacy. Cancerians can go through enormous anxiety, apprehensions and pain, because they tend to swing back and forth like a pendulum. This "tick - tock" behaviour affects the way they feel about themselves, others and the world around them.They have such powerful emotions that they can take over their better judgement at times and literally run their lives. At times, they're so psychically overwhelmed by their own feelings (or the strong vibrations of those people around them) thay they walk away form unique opportunities.

The Crab
Mankind has a tendency to focus on what is directly in front of them and often overlooks what is creeping in the side door. The crab holds the teachings of shifting focus and expanding inner perception. Sudden and unexpected movements are used to its advantage.

Since crabs are bottom dwellers and are at home in the water they are linked to the subconscious mind and all the secrets that it holds. They burrow into the depth of life then swim to the surface with new insight and understanding.

The crab uses all of its senses to survive. Its body movements as well as its excellent sight, smell, taste and hearing assist it in reaching its desired destination. They are skillful in everything that they do. Crabs teach us how to empower ourselves on all levels, perfecting, refining, awakening and expanding our own perceptions.

When crab scampers into your life unexpected events are about to occur. These events will require the use of all your senses. The crab shows you how to develop and refine all aspects of yourself. It only requires that you open your heart to its wisdom and be willing to follow its instructions. In so doing, personal power is your for the asking.

The Wolf
When a lone wolf is spotted in the wilderness it embodies the energy of freedom. When seen in a pack it embodies a sense of community. If wolf appears to you alone or in a pack it is asking you to acquire the same within your own life. In spite of their negative press wolves are actually friendly, social and highly intelligent.

The wolf's senses are highly developed. Their intelligence is marked with excellent hearing, sense of smell and strong feeling. They are determined as well as cunning and use these skills for the benefit of the pack. The howl of the wolf is primal and penetrating. They howl to find other pack members or to let wolves from outside of the pack know their territory boundaries. If you hear a wolf howl it might be telling you to stand your ground and defend your boundaries.

Wolf teaches you to have a balance between the needs your family has of you and the needs you have for yourself. They are totally loyal to the pack but do not give up their identity to the pack. If wolf appears in your life you are being asked to look at where you are being too dependent and where you may be too independent. In both family and community there needs to be a balance.

Wolves convey much with their bodies. If they are angry, they may stick their ears straight up and bare their teeth. A wolf who is suspicious pulls its ears back and squints. Fear is often shown by flattening the ears against the head. A wolf who wants to play dances and bows playfully. Their body language is symbolic for those with this medicine. Man also uses body language to convey messages. The study of this art can increase perception in those with this totem.

Wolves hunt in packs, relying on endurance to run down weak and older animals. They have been known to run 35 miles a day in pursuit. They are the epitome of stamina and strength. With an extremely well developed societal organization, they act together to hunt and raise their young. They do not fight unnecessarily and often go out of their way to avoid fighting. Sometimes a growl, a glance, a posture is all that is necessary to determine dominance. Wolf teaches those with this medicine to know who you are and to develop strength and confidence in what you do.