Celestial Tarot - Ten of Swords (Air)


Ten of Swords ~ Air ~

Gods of the Winds
The empire of the four wind was shared between the four sons of Eos, the dawn, and Astraeus, the starry sky. They were called Boreas, the North Wind; Zephyrs, the West Wind; Eurus, the East Wind; and Notus, the South Wind. Boreas was represented as a winged man of mature age with hair floating in the wind. The normal companion of Boreas was Zephyrs who was not, originally, the soft and beneficial wind at whose breath the spring flowers opened. Like his brother he was a savage and baleful wind who took pleasure in brewing storms and tossing the waves of the sea. With Boreas he lived in the caves of the mountainous Thrace. Later Zephyrus' violent disposition softened. He became a sweet-scented wind which gently fanned the blessed regions of Elysium. As for Notus and Eurus, their individualities were never clearly defined.