Moving in Spread


Hello! I created a spread to explore the posibilities of moving in with my boyfriend.

The spread:
1. Their thoughts on the potential of moving in together.
2. Your thoughts on the potential of moving in together.
3. Relationship readiness for living together.
4. Benefits to living together.
5. Drawbacks to living together.
6. Pentacle (financial/work/material) considerations
7. Sword (thought/communciation) considerations
8. Wand (energy/spritiality) considerations
9. Cup (relationship/love/friendship) cosiderations.
10. What has to happen first for this move to be sucessful.
11. When will it happen. (use your own timing preference- just make sure you decide before laying out)
12. Advice.

The Deck: The Housewives Tarot

The results and interpretations:

1. Their thoughts on the potential of moving in together - Death - change, the end of bachlor life, as well due to his past history we had a conversation on Saturday discussing a prenup type agreement if we live together to protect our finances if we were to part in the future.

2. Your thoughts on the potential of moving in together. - Knight of Cups - ready for moving the relationship ahead, happy at the prospect/idea.

3. Relationship readiness for living together. - The Sun - Happiness, Readiness, clarity, optimism, prosperity - overall suggesting that our relationship is ready for living together.

4. Benefits to living together. - Temperance - balance, cooperation, compromise, sympathy. We will develop/improve our skills in these areas though some work will be needed (well all relationships need work and effort).

5. Drawbacks to living together. - 2 Pentacles - I think especially at the beginning, that we may struggle at balancing our finances, time, housing decisions, and the changes in our relationship. (I also think its interesting that both the +/- involve balancing.)

6. Pentacle (financial/work/material) considerations - 10 Pentacles - our own home (right now he owns his own, but we would prefer something that is "ours"), wanting it all, will we be able to afford all that we want? or we can make it happen together.

7. Sword (thought/communciation) considerations - 5 Pentacles - he/me/we may think or end up communicating that we are losing somehting monitary so we have to make sure we communicate well, plan well and make finances even - this could just be echoing card one with worry about $.

8. Wand (energy/spritiality) considerations - Ace of Pentacles - new beginnings, very $/home centred. Be practical, planning, preperation, determination - directing our energy in the planning/prep stage.

9. Cup (relationship/love/friendship) cosiderations. - 3 Cups - friendship, creation, change, conception, significant change, relations -- well i think our relationship will change with the change in circumstance, as well, we will both have to be aware of how we include/maintain our other relationships.

10. What has to happen first for this move to be sucessful. - Magician - both of us need to be sold on the idea - need to weed through potential misunderstands/over optimism and look at the +/- to the situation. Maybe even some persuasion?

11. When will it happen. (use your own timing preference- just make sure you decide before laying out) - Ace of Swords - well according to the timimg I established beforehand the swords suggest fall. The card itself I think suggest that the ball is already in motion, the thought is there, some discussion has taken place, though how quickly the ball will get there...)

12. Advice. - 7 Swords - don't let gossip or other's opinions influence our decision.

Any feedback that you have to share would be greatly appreciated. :)


12. Advice. - 7 Swords

Be smart and plan well ahead.


10. What has to happen - magician

Make sure you two understand exactly what makes up each of your personalities, how much wands, earth, swords, or cups each of you contains... be honest, don't "con" yourselves... and be ready that that might change (magician is very early in the tarot)


Willowfox and Crystelle,

Thanks for the feedback. I've never viewed those cards in that manner, but that interpretation does make sense.

I think the cards tended to echo each other, def putting an emphasis on planning and discussion.



The number '1' seems prominent & in various forms as represented by the following:

19-The Sun: 1+9=10=1

10-Pentacles, the material or manifest aspect of 10-Wheel of Fortune

Ace/1-Pentacles, the material or manifest aspect of 1-The Magician

1-The Magician


They seem to place emphasis on both beginnings & 'endings' or goals. Such as clarity of purpose; willingness to work at living together; understanding each other's expectations & clear communications to avoid conflicts & arguments.

Based on the number of Pentacles, there seems to be some concerns regarding the handling of finances &/or financial responsibility. Possibly involves fluctuations with income.

With an advice & last card of 7-Swords, I see it as advice to be honest. The card quality itself tends to underscore clarity such as with the clear thinking & upfront communications referred to in the other cards.


Hi MeeWah,
I liked your take on the reading. I agree that there is def some money concerns. He's worried about being out half his house if we split. I'm worried about him remortgaging his house and then renting it and us buying another one. And or $ situation will also change when we decide we want kids.

There was lots of change/beginning cards in the spread. I'm glad that there seems to be a willingness to discuss and work at things, and I will do my best to ensure that I continue this communication.

Thank you,


Do not know what the laws are in your location, but a prenuptial can avoid some of the problematic regarding division of real property & assets should the relationship sever.

An alternative would be to sell the existing property in order to start 'fresh' with a different house in both names. & since unmarried couples or two single persons can own property jointly (& with right of survivorship).

Otherwise, if your income to be contributed towards the household expenses including house mortage, only fair to expect some remuneration, albeit pro-rated based on the applicable length of time. It would be your responsibility to prove the source of funds in the event of a claim.

The dominance of Pentacles reflective of the magntitude of the concerns & the figurative 'weight' which could ultimately land between both parties.


Hi MeeWah,
I have known for quite a while that finances and how we deal with his house would be a very big hurdle for us to cross. We did discuss a prenup before we move in together. He is very unsure if his house would sell (its not in the best location and needs some renos- and the house market here has slowed greatly) and was looking at remortgaging and the renting his house. I'm a little worried that two mortgages may be too much for us especially if we have issues finding/keeping renters...assuming we don't have issues with those renters. I just hope that in our attempts to protect our finances that we don't put ourselves into a bad financial position. Hopefully several discussion and openness to viewing different options will help the situation.

Thanks again for your insight.