Queen of cups and TheEmpress the Same??!


Hey guys! Tried this spread. Take a look and can someone help me out??
the 7th card Pathway Spread.
6 1 7
2 3 4 5

Very simple:
1: You in the situation, background information, where you are coming from.
2,3,4,5: These are elements of the situation. I usually explain it as: "These help to clarify the situation as it is so we can see where you are headed, and how to best go about your path."
6,7: Possible pathways. Not locking you in, not the ONLY options, just two pathways that you should be aware of.

MY reading :
I focused on my career and goals. Asking should I stay with teaching yoga and opening my own studio or go back to school to become a counselor?
I am little confused on what I am reading and wanted to see what you guys got out this...
1. Knave of swords - clearly trying to cut to the heart of the matter about all this chatter in my head on my future and my goals.
2. Hanged man- I am right now resting on deciding life, pausing to reflect what i want to accomplish.
3. 2 swords - in this resting place with no decisions I feel a little stale... like I have to move.
4. 3 wands- I see my goals and in this resting period, I am planning what I see down the long road.
5. 8 pentacles - I read this as going back to school and requiring more education?? or could mean refining my skills and checking and rechecking for perfection?
Next two seem to being saying the same thing to me either choice I will be a mother and nuturing with passion, creativity and love.
6. queen of cups- unconditional love and acceptance. trusting an inner sense of what is true.
7. The empress- focus on the body and offering pure acceptance to everybody (or my clients) and their emotions and physical needs.

Any ideas?? Does anybody know if these women signify a type if vocation?



Your title Queen of Cups and The Empress the same.., got me to thinking...

There are so many meanings: to me the Empress is the womb, where unconditional love is, love of nature, nurturing, Mother Earth. She is very self confident, and loves all and herself.

The Queen of Cups is more about emotions: In the Waite/Smith deck her body language tells me she is uncomfortable. I know this is not the meaning of the card, but this is what I see. She is someone who loves and cares for all she meets, and gives everything she has, but she is unable to stand alone, she needs support. I see someone who is comfortable in the world of the subconscious. She is always there for you, a counselor, friend, mother or psychic..I don't think she is capable of unconditional love...maybe??

Sorry I do have to run..I will get back to your reading later. Thank you for comparing the two..


Answering only the question in your title, I would say that for the most part they aren't the same. If I were to equate queens with majors, I'd match the Queen of Cups to the High Priestess (I see this queen as more intuitive or spiritually devoted or reflective than emotional -- and receptive to love). I might equate the Queen of Pentacles to the Empress, but for the most part I think the archetypes are more all encompassing than any of the queens or other courts. The courts seem more specific and narrow in meaning to me.

In your reading I'd probably see the Queen of Cups as more intuitive and receptive, open to all, though possibly keeping her inner self sheltered and private. The Empress seems more open on a personal level, more of a nurturing guide or friend, perhaps even a generous hostess, giving to all in her own special way, lavishing love more openly than the queen, who may feel it but not express it. Perhaps it has to do with following both paths, the counseling with some yoga on the side, or perhaps a combination of the two such as a counselor who specializes in stress management, something like that.



Variations of both..

How do you interpret the Hanged One? As a suspension of activity in this pursuit or a Yoga position? :)

What kind of counselor are you interested in being? And, as Nevada suggested, why can't you do both?

I work at a Substance Abuse Treatment Center where we have a Yoga Therapist come in and teach the clients Yoga. We also utilize Acupuncture and Art Therapy to help the clients find balance.

Drug addicts and alcoholics in early treatment/recovery have very unbalanced energy fields and can really use some help in that area.

Many of our teachers/lecturers/counselors have several 'licenses'.



I would say these two are not the same at all!!
The Empress is about fruition and success, the queen on the other hand has an underlining quality of dormant potential.


Queen cups an artistic person, a very caring person like a nurse, a counselor or social worker.

Empress This person is also caring but more to do with the body and appearances.


Good point willowfox. When I researched the two cards I found that The empress did have more with taking care of the body and appearances. I just assumed that the queen of cups would take care or herself in that same way.

Nevada and skytwig - Nevada quoted, "Perhaps it has to do with following both paths, the counseling with some yoga on the side, or perhaps a combination of the two such as a counselor who specializes in stress management, something like that." **I am beginning to research this and would LOVE to continue my career path this way. I was thinking more along the lines of counseling children i.e, school counselor or life coach. Which is why I could be getting The empress in this aspect because then this would most likely lead to being a "mother"

Thanks everyone for their help in understanding the diffrences. I hope the holidays treat all of you well!
