Mona Lisa Tarot -- 2 of Swords


LWB: “Stubborn eyes are blind, now and tomorrow. Selfish, insulation, callousness.”

Card Image: In the foreground a pope sits at a table eating. He holds two forks one in each hand as he chews. In his left hand the fork holds a chicken leg and on the right fork there appears to be some type of pastry. On the table in front of him is a jug, a cup and a plate. He seems focused on his meal. In the background, there is a woman who stands in shadow of night. She is watching him eat from outside of the house.

Interpretation: I do not see how this card conveys a sense of balance, restored peace that I normally associate with a card. Now I humbly acknowledge that my understanding of any of the tarot cards is far from exclusive. I understand and encourage others to find the sense of each card for themselves. (This is one of the cards I struggle with and don’t understand.)

If I accept that the LWB tells us the card meaning then I can see how the aphorism is depicted in the card. I see the blindness as well as he isolation that the man has embraced as he eats. I can see how this card can convey the idea of callousness if he knows the woman is there, hungry and without food of her own.

I have had moments in my life when I have had to eat my meal as beggars, children watched. A self-preserving process takes place and you have to surround yourself with an understanding of the harsh reality of life at times. The poor are always with us. Now the feeling I get with this card and the LWB tells us is that he is both aware and indifferent to her.

I see the woman and the pope as two different thoughts on realty. He is at peace and she is a storm that rages behind his blindness. In this I can see a shadow of the RWS image but the facts and the players in the scene do make it more personal. I also have to admit that while I can assume that there is something going on with the woman in the background I have only speculation to what might be happening. (But reading into the cards is what we do right?)

*As I am always attempting to put together the puzzle I wonder if this card can be linked to the Fool? What if this is the before card when the pope is full, content and rich and the woman is ignored but in the Fool he has been humbled and she in turn plays the part of generosity that he should have played here in this card? Just more rambling thoughts. . .
