Mona Lisa Tarot -- The Emperor


LWB: “To be free of the Past, forgive it. Control, domination, strictness”

Card Image: A man sits alone in a cluttered and dirty room. He is pale, unshaved, and appears worried or filled with anxiety. He leans against a table where there is a loaf of bread (uneaten) and a single dark rose in a vase.

Interpretation: A very weak Emperor. Here Is an Emperor in a crumbling kingdom. He is filled with fright and panic stricken at what else he could possibly lose. Many male archetypes and symbols in this deck do have negative scenes around them. Here, the Emperor is in a moment when he must find the strength to embody order, structure and leadership. The man in the image may well be an Emperor in the making or in the unmaking. Has the order he has maintain driven others away? How must he find the sense of confidence to face the consequences of his actions or inactions to again deal prosperously with life.

As I said before, this is a darker deck than it appeared at first glance. This Emperor card expresses the reversed meaning. He is a victim more than a victor, more subject than leader, more boy than man. Here is the rub for me as I deal with this card. I do not read this deck with reversals. I don’t read decks that don’t have reversible backs with reversals. In readings I look at the full scope of a card in its position and consider what it advices and warns against. So now as an intellectual exercise, I can see how this cards has both meanings and so why not illustrate a darker sense of the card?

Potential Card Links:

Empress: This card has the most similar image of the man as he appears in the Emperor card.
7 of Pentacles, 6 of Swords: These seem to bear a likeness to the man.
The Chariot, 3 of Wands: I see the Emperor as a younger man in these cards.
Suspect are linked but can’t make an argument for: Justice, 4 of Pentacles, 4 of Chalices, 6 of Chalices, and 9 of Chalices.