Spread test - Should I contact them


1.Whats going on in their life right now?

4 of Wands - I am seeing they are just relaxing and enjoying life right now.Perhaps they are feeling a bit too settled and are feeling restless.

2.What are their thoughts about you right now?

6 of Pentacles -

3.What are their feelings towards their friendship with you?

5 of Cups - They are disappointed that the friendship has gotten to the point where it has, and are unsure of what to do about it.

4.How do they see the friendship right now?

The Tower - They are scared and upset about something dealing with the friendship, whether it be where it is now or where it was.I am not 100% sure.

5.How would they feel about hearing from you?

Queen of Wands - This will definately be a welcome thing to them atleast initially, however they might see hearing from me as a burden to deal with especially since things are going smoothly.

6.What would their response be?

6 of Wands - They will welcome hearing from me.It will give them a boost in happiness and make them feel better about how things are.

7.Outcome if you reach out to them?

5 of Wands - There will be a struggle to see whether or not this friendship is worth having/maintaining

Any thoughts?


Yes, you should contact them, they will be pleased and welcoming towards you as it will be fun to banter with you once again.


Well I contacted them, was mainly using this as a test reading on the spread,