Transparent Tarot - 8 - Justice


Justice shows a set of scales with a single gold and a single silver bowl balanced on the tip of an upright sword.

  • symbolizes earthly justice, the judicial system and Justice with her blindfold
  • suggests the just proportion
  • corresponds to worthiness or unworthiness
  • represents balance, equality, impartiality, truth and harmony
  • symbolizes the causal link between sin and punishment in the afterlife
  • “to turn the scales” is to achieve a decision in one’s own favor

  • associated with the Moon and with lunar deities
  • believed to ward off demons
  • associated with yin energy
  • associated with money, prestige and position
  • associated with chastity, purity and virginity
  • “every cloud has a silver lining” means that even the worst situations may have a consoling aspect or hopeful prospect

  • associated with the Sun and solar deities
  • believed to embody the powers of the earth
  • was associated with higher powers and the god
  • associated with yang energy
  • can represent great spiritual wealth and insight
  • may be associated with personal riches or material wealth
  • represents illumination, sacredness, incorruptibility, wisdom and honor
    • “as good as gold” means something that’s very worthwhile or that can always be depended upon
    • “to be a gold digger” is to only be interested in oneself or in personal material gain
    • “the golden years” are the retirement years
    • “the Golden Rule” is to do unto others as you would have them do unto you
    • ”all that glitters is not gold” means that everything that appears beautiful isn’t necessarily worth having
    • “fool’s gold” is a worthless activity

  • represents decisions, separation into good and evil, and justice
  • suggests authority, decisive judgment, insight and penetrative intellect
    • “he who lives by the sword dies by the sword” means that those who engage in violence and aggression will meet their death in a similar manner
    • “the sword of Damocles” represents an impending potential disaster
    • “to beat swords into plowshares” means to make peace or to convert the weapons of war to peaceful uses
    • “one sword keeps another in its scabbard” means that by showing that one is ready and able to defend oneself is a good way of discouraging others from attacking

  • the imagery itself suggests the saying that “speech is silver, but silence is golden” which means that it’s good to speak, but sometimes it’s better still to say nothing
  • “justice is blind” means that justice should be dispensed with objectivity and without regard to irrelevant details or circumstances
