Transparent Tarot - 12 - Hanged One


The Hanged One shows a chrysalis hanging from a branch.

  • associated with subdivisions of the whole
  • “to branch out” means to extend in new directions, “to be out on a limb” is to take a chance

  • suggests something that is about to or needs to undergo transformation or be changed
  • may symbolize something that appears to be troublesome but holds great promise

  • symbolizes transformation, metamorphosis and change
  • suggests the need for protection
  • represents solitude on the threshold of a new developmental level
  • indicates the soul that is surrounded and protected
  • represents a period of dormancy

  • may be associated with the outcome of a bad idea, decision or outcome (that which will leave one hanging)
  • may indicate one’s own hang-ups or attitudes and belief systems that keep hanging on
  • may suggest something that lacks support, is insecure or is dangerously close to falling
  • could be associated with the death of a portion of oneself or a part of one’s life
  • “to hang it up” is to give up on it and “time hangs heavy on idle hands” means that time seems to pass more slowly when one has little or nothing to do
