Ironwing: 5 of Blades


The quick comment from the website is:

Six of Blades: A heron of wooded swamps and a sandhill crane of the prairies entwine bird scissors. A bird-masked person reaches the end of a long journey and leaves her boat to swim in disguise to an unknown shore. Hope dawns and solid ground is reached when Science, Art, and Spirit are one.

I find this card difficult to understand. Sixes seem, to me, to be about finding balance again, getting into a new routine, finding a new calm after the storm and the traditional 6 of swords is about finding a new life on a new shore by leaving the upheaval of the battle of wits which is the 5 behind.

Something about the phrase 'hope dawns and solid ground is reached when Science (the impirical and provable), Art (the outward expression of thoughts and emotions) and Spirit (the connection to all things) are one' feels very inspiring yet incredibly difficult to achieve. For me this seems to be talking about coming to an understanding that change for the better must involve acknowledging and living the truths of one's life, not what others think we should be doing.

The Scissors, for me, suggest cutting necessary ties and careful, skilled work. The boat is in the distance, is it coming for me or bringing me to the new shore?

The Heron and Crane suggest calm, concentration, meditation, travel between worlds and attention to movement.

Overall, this card seems to be talking about both stillness and movement, balance and new beginnings.