Light at the End of the Tunnel


Hi Everyone. I made this spread up for a reading I did recently in which the querent was feeling overwhelmed by life and having a difficult time. The question for this person was what the next month will bring and whether things will begin to look up.

You could do this spread using 9 cards as I did, or you can do a slightly simpler six card version. Both are described below. You can also use the time frame that seems appropriate for you.

Simple lay-out but hard to draw here. Something like this:

1- 2-3a-3b-3c-3d- 4 - 5-

The idea is that the cards are in a line (tunnel vision) where it seems like now you can only see your present circumstances. The last card sticks a little above the rest so you can catch a glimpse of it in the future.

1. Present, where you see yourself now.

2. What is coming generally

3 a-d. What is coming in each of the four areas represented by the suits (a=wands: creative endeavors, self, work,
b=cups: relationships and feelings,
c=swords: thought patterns and communications,
d=pentacles: health and material concerns)

4. What you can do to make the most of this time (see the light sooner, help things get better.)

5. What is the blessing of this time?

6. What will be the light at the end of the tunnel (indicate a shift in things for the better)?

If you would like to do this idea using fewer cards I suggest this alternative version. It is laid out similarly, with the cards in a row and the sixth card slightly above the others.


1. Present, where you see yourself now.

2. What is coming as far as your outer experience. (This would be outer circumstances and interactions with others.)

3. What is coming as far as your inner experience. (This would refer to feelings, thoughts, spiritual issues, etc.)

4. What you can do to make the most of this time (see the light sooner, help things get better.)

5. What is the blessing of this time?

6. What will be the light at the end of the tunnel (that which will indicate a shift in things for the better)?

Hope you find it interesting and helpful.


I tried this and it was fun!
Thanks so much for sharing the spread!


Glad you liked it. I am wondering, it appears you got a card of the same suit for each of the suit-related positions (3a-d). Was that a coincidence or did you divide the cards that way purposely? My intention was that the card could be of any suit, but its meaning would play out in the aspect of life that suit pertains to. Does that make sense? I am wondering if that is the way you did that or did you adjust the spread to purposely get a card of that suit?


Hi! I separated the cards. But, really, it was entertaining and informative to do so. Very few spreads let me sort and play like this.

See ya~


This is a great spread, I love it :D :thumbsup:
I have it in my tarot journal and I will use the shorter version for next week´s Circle of Stones exchange.
(Everyone is welcome to join. It´s in the Reading exchanges: