Tarot Illuminati - a deck in progress


This thread has been split from This thread (click) in Tarot Decks.


Well, that didn't take long. Because I'd just looked at all the cards, I went through them again for suggestions I might make. There are only three cards I'd comment on ...

The right hand on the Queen of Wands looks too large to me.

Both the Queen of Wands and Queen of Pentacles look like they have artificial breasts. Too round and melon-y.

The lower front of the Empress's inner gown looks like it's poofed out by air or water or something. Like a balloon is under the fabric. I think its to do with the shading on the lower edge of it. Other than that, the Empress is one of my absolute favs of an absolutely gorgeous deck.

That's it. Everything else looks absolutely beautiful to me, and I might be sensitive to the breast issue because I'm a breast cancer survivor.

I was trying to choose a few favorites to heap particular praise on, but there are so many that I pretty much gave up. LOL But off the top of my head, High Priestess, Strength, Princess of Swords, Prince of Cups ... absolutely fabulous.


Tarot Illuminati - First off I will give props on the very lush and opulent style of artwork you chose to render this deck in. While not always my cup of tea, depending on how LoS puts it out, it might find it’s way into my collection just for the shear exuberance of it. I sat down and looked over each of the cards and have a few observations. As always if these are artistic choices I mean no offense. While some of these will be observations on the art some will be questions as to how something fits into the meaning of the card. Please bear with me as sometimes I tend to ramble on…

4 of Swords.
The knight looks a bit out of place. Maybe it’s the lighting on his armor but he LOOKS as if he was placed in there, as does the sword under him. Is he meant to be floating?

5 of Swords.
I see some people have already pointed out that the head looks a bit… plunked. Are you rendering all the faces by hand or are they people you know?

8 of Swords-
I got nothing here, just to say that it is a fantastic card…. Just had to point that out.

2 of Cups
While it is a beautiful image I, personally, don’t get the full meaning of the card out if it. They are more like The Lovers. The card can be about new relationships but they need not be about sex as this card reads to me. For me this is more the early stages of feeling someone out. How would you read this card as different from The Lovers?

6 of Cups-
The little girl looks like she is very upset with the little boy. Love the colors in this card.

9 of Pents-

4 of cups-
In the RWS he is looking at the cups that he has as opposed to what is offered. To me the way this card reads is more 7 of cups. Thoughts?

5 of Cups-
The wine looks a bit out of place. Almost too one color.

The Majors are all breathtakingly beautiful and The High Priestess my be one of the most beautiful renderings of her I’ve ever seen.

All in all you have amazing talent and a beautiful vision. I love the different cultures attached to the minors, but I too was wondering why no darker skinned races? It could be an artistic choice, which is fine. A thing or two to keep in mind. While the RWS deck is one that most people can graph their own artistic ideas on also know that its a deck that allot of people study, hardcore, for a long time. Therefore any major changes in the cards that change meaning ie: the look on the 4 of cups, will be noticed, talked about, and it merits debated.
While the original designs were relatively simple there is a great meaning attached to everything in the card, from the way people are staged to the colors used in their cloths. To me that is the thing that keep drawing me back to it. There are layers of meaning that I see fresh and new each time. In tarot the art has meaning. While on that subject. People tend to look at faces ALLOT. “Ooo he looks stern”, “Wow she is plotting something.” etc..etc..etc.. While I tend to not do that I know it is a popular thing to do. Reading the card through the eyes of the people in it. Many of the faces in the deck are beautiful and fit the card. Some look a bit more detached from the image and meaning.

I would LOVE to have a book with this deck that went into how you designed the images as well as how YOU see the meanings of the cards. Even a blog on this would have been a fascinating read. Also why the title? It has allot of people wondering where the Illuminati symbols are. All in all you will have a massive hit of a deck on your hands. PLEASE see if LoS will drop the huge multi-language border, or go do a larger card size. These cards are defiantly a ‘coffee table’ type deck. Something that I would put out that is non threatening and people can flip through and wonder at. Bravo.


Tarot Illuminati

I don’t know if you saw my posts in the “Critique” thread, but this is precisely what I was hoping it would accomplish informed, courteous and helpful observations and critiques. Criticism does not offend me, rather I find it most helpful, especially when it comes from folks with far more experience than myself, it’s the “harsh”, “bashing” kind of comments I saw in the thread specifically on my deck, and from specific people mind you, that compelled me to post here at all. You obviously took the time to really look at my cards and compose well thought out questions or concerns, I cannot thank you enough! I will attempt to answer each of your questions…
4 of sword- I will review the lighting and shadowing, perhaps that’s the issue, he certainly isn’t meant to “Float”
5 of swords- yes I am aware of that reaction and again, will go back and review it to see what can be done. I generally start out with an actual model and then paint or manipulate from there, obviously it hasn’t had the desired effect in every card, and I need to look at this more closely. Working digitally is very new to me and I am actually learning as I go.
2 of cups- Your point is valid, and amusing in a way, the figures used here were originally my Lovers, but I received such harsh criticism on them not being appropriate for the Lovers card, I couldn’t quite part with them entirely as I love the image so much I decided to use them as my 2 of cups. Perhaps my original vision was correct, at least from your point of view?
6 of cups-Really? I will take a closer look at her expression
4 of Cups- Rana already called me out on this one and after doing more reading into the card I have to agree! I am in the process of revising it now.
5 of cups- will work on the wine, you asked about my faces, that’s me by the way, thought it would be cool to play a part in my cards.
You will notice in the Wands suit, most of which have been posted recently as this is the suit I am working on now, they are of Middle Eastern / North African descent, being darker in skin color. My pentacles are of Asian origin.
There is a companion book in the works, although my concentration at the moment is on completing the deck. I hear what you’re saying about the faces, and I intend on going back through and reviewing each card for expression etc. Riccardo at LS is going to be working very closely with me on the actual production, many of your suggestions are already on the table, particularly the “Larger Deck”, and I always envisioned my cards being larger than average and insisted on this option with any potential publisher.
Your time and consideration has been most helpful and most appreciated, please keep in touch. You may very well be responsible for me staying here, prior to your note, I was so disgusted with certain folks here I had decided not to return, didn’t need the distraction of venomous posts. But if I can gain the kind of insight you have provided I will return frequently! Thanks very much!
OH...and as for the name...it has little to do with the actual organization and everything to do with what they stood for, enlightenment through art, science and human experience.


I think you might perhaps like to reconsider the name - if there is any possible alternative. Illuminati has such a huge meaning for so many people - including me. My immediate thought when I saw this thread start was WOW - there's a deck about THOSE guys ??? I will buy it - it is stunning - I will look and comment on the actual cards rather more sensibly another time - but I was a little disappointed just the same... (I'd LOVE a deck about the Illuminati as I understand the word... :D)


I noticed that the far ear of the horse in the Prince of Cups is bright white while the rest of the horse is dappled grey. Perhaps this is the intention? But it was just something that jumped out at me.



I'm having trouble with the Princess of Cups' left arm--it seems distorted (where is the elbow?)--and with the cup sitting beside her on the rock.

I'm another one disturbed by the proportions of the bodies. It's especially obvious because the photo-style faces and hands are in such contrast to the complex patterns and colors of the clothing and background. A hand placed over a face, base of palm to chin, might extend an inch or two past the eyebrows. Some faces in these cards are much smaller than one would expect given the body size, and some hands much larger, and the distortions are not consistent from card to card. Is this intended, for symbolic purposes?

Some people have suggested that these cards have a similar feel to the Aquarian deck http://www.aeclectic.net/tarot/cards/aquarian/ I guess my question is, what is your vision? What are you hoping to inspire with your choices about the look of these cards?

ETA: I don't mean to imply that you're obliged to respond to my comments although I would be interested.


  • princess of cups.jpg
    princess of cups.jpg
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I have become confused - and realised that the reason is that there is no link to the artist's site in this split thread.

So - here it is again.

And I really like the Prince of Pentacles. There's something about the lighting... Also Queen of Cups - and since people have mentioned hands - hers are (er - IS !) lovely :)

Is that the proposed back up there ? I like that, too :) But there is something odd about that Princess of Cups's left elbow - it does seem to be much too close to the wrist.

ETA OH ! Just saw HP. I LIKE her :)

Why does the guy in 10 swords have blood on his hands when he seems to have been stabbed everywhere else but ? It looks like a reference to Christ's hands - is it supposed to be ?

The woman in 2 Swords - there seems to be no hint of wind in the CARD - so how come her hair looks as if it is blowing in the wind ? And 6 Swords the boat appears to be sinking...

I like Three Swords :) though the jewels do look a little too much like eyes for me...

I have to stop this; I have housework....