Lovers As Court Case Outcome???!!!


Lovers As Court Case Outcome - Opinion Anyone?

Hi! Did a Celtic Cross Spread with rider Waite Deck and below is the result along with my interpreation, but the Outcome stumped me completely! Am I missing something here folks?

Querant's question: What will be the outcome of the court case between two people who were romantically involved (but not married), can there be an out of court amicable solution (reconciliation)?

Deck: Rider Waite

Spread: One below the other and not side by side.

What Covers you (Situation) - The Empress
Meaning: Smothering led to this situation? Or mother or any other woman was a factor?

What Crosses You (Obstacles or What is Creating Conflict) - Three Wands
Meaning lack of growth in any direction. The case is moving at snail's pace.

What is Beneath You (Foundation That Created the Present Situation): Ten of Cups
Meaning: There was an expectation of partnership and bliss but apparently turned out to be different.

What is Behind You (Past) - Nine of Wands
Meaning: Completion of a dream unfullfilled.

What Crowns You (Atmosphere That Hangs Over You) - Six of Wands
Meaning: An expectation of success.

What is Before You (Near Future) - The Chariot
Meaning: Forging ahead with confidence.

Your Self (Your Attitude or Opinion Regarding the Question) - The Magician
Meaning: Possibilty or expectation of a positive outcome.

Around You (Home life, Family and Friends and How They Effect You) - The High Priestess
Meaning: Instincts, secret knowldege, occult.

Your Hopes and Fears (What You and Fear About the Situation) - The Fool
Meaning: New Beginning and naïveté.

Outcome - The Lovers
Meaning: Completion of a cause/case. Even reconciliation?