HallowQuest Lesson 26 - The Sun


These are the tasks for lesson 26 - which you might be aiming to do in the week 16th August.

The Sun is the luminary of this quest. The Spear King comes to you in Spear Nine and continues your watch for you. You proceed upstream a little until the midday sun shines above you. A naked youth rides up and greets you, offering you a ride on his white mare. You mount up and ride easily into the golden heart of the Summer Country. All the troubles of your Spear quest drop away from you and you are filled with joy and wholeness of vision. Within the courts of the Sun, for such the youth is, you are given golden nourishment. The Sun gives you a gift from his harp bag.

Make a reading or a story that uses the he Spear family and the Sun cards as major characters.


This meditation was not done deliberately - in truth it wasn't really done at all, I just realised afterwards that this was all I needed at this time.

But walking out this morning, with a troubled mind, I asked the Oak - symbol of the Summer King, and therefore the Sun - what I should do.
I walked on, between two oaks either side of the path. I then heard creaking, just like a gate (although it was probably just the trees moving against each other in the wind) stepped on, between two different oaks, into a field. In the distance I could see the oak I often sit beneath, "my tree" and I asked out loud "What should I do?"

And I was instantly reminded that I live out here, "in the green" not back there in that troubled place. I had a strong connection already with this particular piece of land and these trees. I need to re-adjust my perspective, and look at the situation differently.

I imagined the symbols of the Summer Oak on my self, my hands, my feet. I need to remind myself everyday where I belong, where I really live.

The symbol, which I now carry with me always, was the gift of the Sun.