Daughters of the Moon aka DOM-The Amazon/The Chariot


So where going to begin discussion on "The Amazon". To me the meaning is much the same as the RWS.

I am attaching the picture of the card.

and off we go....


I would say somewhat like the RWS, but I think it is more warlike than the Male version. (that big ax and all). The Robin Wood Chariot is mellower, he sings as he travels and guides the Chariot by thought (as does the RWS charioteer and this Amazon).


I would say this card is also warlike which seems to be a theme for many cards in this deck.

What is the design on the chariot? and what is tied to ax and why?

I like her shield;crescent moon with a spiral.
I guess she is going through the water...hence the blue underneath.


Well, I tell ya, the imagery and symbolism in this deck can get you questioning sometimes. Especially when you are used to RWS symbols...

I have in front of me right now my Chariot from RWS, The Chariot from Hanson-Roberts (RWS based), and The Amazon..hmmmm...of course they all differ, but it's interesting to compare. First off, each are being pulled by two animals. RWS and The Amazon's, one is black and one is white. However, in the Hanson Roberts, you have one that is white and one that, to me, looks indigo. The black and white in the HansonRoberts' deck is an Yin and Yang symbol on the front of the chariot. In the same place as The Amazon's. As to what the Amazon's symbol represents, I have no clue. It looks like a flower to me. The only thing I can pick out of it is that there are only 4 petals on the flower and they are in the directions of East, South, West and North / Air, Fire, Water and Earth ? (Wicca)

Compared to the other two, The Amazon is the only one with something in her left hand. The Amazon's horizon has no city skyline. It is an orangish horizon of which I'm not even sure if it represents a sunset or what the heck it is.

In the RWS you can see the Chariot is sitting on grassy land, The Hanson Roberts you can't tell. You can only guess because in the background you see green grassy landscape before you reach the city. The Amazon is on blue terrain...hmmm....but if you look directly behind her..kinda inside the chariot, you see green. The capes vary in color as well..one (RWS) is blue with yellow trim, the HR deck is redish orange and The Amazon is purple.

Out of the three, the Amazon does look like she's ready to kill someone. The axe is quite the weapon as opposed to the other two cards that I'm comparying to has a scepter in their right hand. I believe that Ms Morgan made this woman look more fierce because of the feminism and it showed that the women DO have the determination, strength and ability to conquer as much as a man does and by making this particular woman as she is, and comparing the other two faces from my other two decks, there is a really big difference. HR and RWS, they have a serious expression but nothing like the Amazon. The shield is in her left hand because I feel that the author believes that because of the patriarchy, women need something to protect themselves as they surge forward, thus another reason why the Amazon carries the axe and not a simple scepter.

I think that it's just a simple piece of leather tied to the axe...more like a tomahawk and Native American often add leather or feathers etc..to weapons or pipes etc...

looking again at the RWS, I dont even think it's a cape he has one. It looks more like a full suit of armor.

The RWS's chariot is adorned with a cloth with stars printed on it. The HR chariot has no cover yet there is a kind of arch way surrounding the top 1/3 of the card that has a blue back ground with white stars.

Just some odds and ends to compare with. The cards meaning s much the same so we don't really have to get into that too much. Determination is determination The one big difference I see is the in the RWS and HR, neither chariot is moving. The Amazon is in full motion at what it seems, top speed.

Just some thoughts...mmmm...first coffee...yum!



Well, to do the smells like, tastes like thread I pulled a card from my Tarot of the Old Path and got the Mastery card which is it's version of the Chariot ad thought I'd describe it since it's very different:

There are 4 horses pulling the chariot:
blue with 5 stars and crescent moon
green with unicorn lookng horn with daises and a pentacle headband and braids that look like wheat at the end
red with flames around it and cming out of it's nostrils

attached to each horse/chariot are:
white horse-blue reins and halter
blue horse-yellow reins and halter
green horse-green reins with yellowish green halter
red horse-red reins with redish yellow halter

The man riding the chariot has a redish maroonish orangeish cape and he's holding a flower or herb thing of some sort.
He has a crown on with a pentacle on it and gold wrist bands and a gold armour thing around his chest that goes a little below his waist.
There is a mountain in the background.

I look at the Amazon and think "Girl power" and balance and gonna get that Mother****
and i look at the Mastery and see the elements and I can use them to help guide me.


WhiteRaven said:
I have in front of me right now my Chariot from RWS, The Chariot from Hanson-Roberts (RWS based), and The Amazon..hmmmm...of course they all differ, but it's interesting to compare. First off, each are being pulled by two animals. RWS and The Amazon's, one is black and one is white. However, in the Hanson Roberts, you have one that is white and one that, to me, looks indigo. The black and white in the HansonRoberts' deck is an Yin and Yang symbol on the front of the chariot. In the same place as The Amazon's. As to what the Amazon's symbol represents, I have no clue. It looks like a flower to me. The only thing I can pick out of it is that there are only 4 petals on the flower and they are in the directions of East, South, West and North / Air, Fire, Water and Earth ? (Wicca)

I see the two colors of the horses as a balance, a yin-yang as someone pointed out. The key I think is the fact that there are NO REINS. That means the horses are a team with the rider, or the rider is exerting his/her mind over the direction they want to go. Think about it and GO, though made into motion.

It is fairly typical of a chariot card, as you said WhiteRaven, but nice and colorful and I like it's dynamic energy.


You know...I just tried something and I have decided that besides the artwork, I really don't like this deck!

I pulled a spread....all the cards were tilted or upside down.
I pulled another spread...same thing
I pulled a third spread....same thing!

According to this deck, I have no hope in hell for ANYTHING in my life now or anytime in the future. Now you tell me how one is suppose to get a posititve reading when it's almost impossible to pull a card that is exactly upright!



WhiteRaven said:
You know...I just tried something and I have decided that besides the artwork, I really don't like this deck!

I pulled a spread....all the cards were tilted or upside down.
I pulled another spread...same thing
I pulled a third spread....same thing!

According to this deck, I have no hope in hell for ANYTHING in my life now or anytime in the future. Now you tell me how one is suppose to get a posititve reading when it's almost impossible to pull a card that is exactly upright!


Have we all given up on this deck???


FantasyWorld said:
Have we all given up on this deck???

No...just discouraged is all I can say...I was waiting for some discussion to start up but it didn't look like anything was going to happen so I thought you and Ace were just not interested. If you are then I will continue to put the different threads up for each card. I just didn't know where you guys stood. I really am discouraged about the readings I tried....Like that's a total of 33 cards that not one was upright...that's AWFUL! I think this deck is good if you don't do (rx).. ...I don't know...frustration gets the best of me these days.

Let me know if you both want to continue this or not...I'm neutral on this...