What kind of person this is...you say?


I've tried out the Characterization Spread I found in Tarot Spreads....and well I think should share it with you all.:D

Characterization Spread

Major Weakness~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Major Strength
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Adult Defining Moment~~~~~~~~~
Grade School~~~~~~~~High School~~~~~~~~College
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Child Defining Moment~~~~~~~~~~~~

Mother - relationship with mother -- Speaker of Trees
Father - relationship with father --Temperance
Childhood - What was the character like as a child? --Spiral of Fortune
Child Defining Moment - What memory still haunts the character? Or thrills? --Five of Rivers

Grade School - What influences did Grade School leave on them?--Six of Rivers reversed
High School - What influences did High School leave on them? --The Star reversed
College or First Job - What influences did college or their first job leave on them? --Five of Stones reversed
Adult Defining Moment - What memory still haunts the character? Or thrills? -- Four of Trees reversed

Career - What path have they chosen? --Ace of Stones
Family - what is the prevailing family dynamic for the character? -- Justice
Drives - What drives the character to do what they do? --The Sun reversed
Quirk - What is a main quirk everyone notices about the character? -- Speaker of Rivers

Fears - What is something that they fear -- Two of Birds reversed
Major Strengths - Where is the character the strongest? --Eight of Stones reversed
Major Weakeness - Where is the character the weakest? --Gift of Trees
Hopes/Aspirations/Dreams/Goals - What is the character yearning for?-- Ten of Stones reversed, Three of Stones

P/S: Speaker(King), Gift(Queen), Trees(Wands), Rivers(Cups), Stones(Pentacles), Birds(Swords) -->am using Shining Tribe Tarot:)

Aha....so what do you say?:D



Suriel said:
I've tried out the Characterization Spread I found in Tarot Spreads....and well I think should share it with you all.:D

P/S: Speaker(King), Gift(Queen), Trees(Wands), Rivers(Cups), Stones(Pentacles), Birds(Swords) -->am using Shining Tribe Tarot:)

Aha....so what do you say?:D


I have no clue what type of person but I will try to lay out these cards using my FF Adventure Tarot. :)


ArwenNightstar said:
I have no clue what type of person but I will try to lay out these cards using my FF Adventure Tarot. :)

Thanks a lot!:D
