Cards for "yes"

Michael Sternbach

For that kind of question, I prefer using a pendulum. Tarot is more useful to help you understand what to expect from different alternatives.

Miss Woo

For that kind of question, I prefer using a pendulum. Tarot is more useful to help you understand what to expect from different alternatives.

Ohhh, I've never used one (a pendulum).


I agree with people who say it depends on the question. I've already seen the ace of cups, the ace of sword, the 9 of cups and the sun as a "no". And it also depends on circonstances. For example I've seen the queen of swords meaning "yes" and "no" for exactly the same question (though at different times). I asked if I will see someone. The first time was a "no", I had to face this "difficult" truth and deal with that. The second time was a "yes" and this time the queen represented the attitude of this person.
I tend to think more and more yes/no questions are really difficult! I still think tarot can answer it, but it's really tricky (at least for me).


Tarot is more useful to help you understand what to expect from different alternatives.

Agree with this. Sometimes an option looks like 'no' due to the appearance of challenging cards. But sometimes it is an option that feels like it needs to be taken, even though it may be a difficult step.


What cards for you mean "yes"? Do all the Aces automatically mean yes (or does it depend on the question/situation)?

I just asked two questions and got an Ace for each.

There are many different kinds of yeses: positive and negative.

Will I die horribly?

Will my job interview be a disaster?

Will my little brother die of this illness he has?

Will I have a car accident driving tired in this weather?

Assume the answer to all of them was yes. Would you expect the same cards to appear, as would appear if you asked questions like:

Will the child enjoy their birthday party?

Will this seedling grow into a tall, stunning, healthy tree?

Will my skin condition heal?

Will my friend win the lottery?

Now, say both groups of questions all have "yes" as an answer. Do you REALLY think the same cards are going to come out?


Agree with what Nisaba et al are saying...

Just to add, the way that works for me is not having any specific yes or no meaning already associated with the cards, I just go with whether that card would be yes or no within the context of the question and with my own intuition. Most of the time I get a feel for it and it turns out to be correct. If I can't decide or I'm unsure, I either pull the next card or go with the base card - depending on what mood I'm in - to clarify. I think it takes a bit of practice, but it works well for me.

ETA - and sometimes it's just so blatantly obvious to a point of being quite funny. :)


I don't ask Tarot to say yes or no to me. I ask Tarot to talk around stuff.

I pull out a pendulum if I want a one-word answer and not a chat.


Strong 'yes' cards for me:

Any of the Aces
Nine of Pentacles
Six of Wands
Four of Wands


All the upright aces, especially ace of swords and ace of wands. I could imagine the Magician also, and cards like the 8 of wands, as yes cards.


I agree with people who say it depends on the question. I've already seen the ace of cups, the ace of sword, the 9 of cups and the sun as a "no". And it also depends on circonstances. For example I've seen the queen of swords meaning "yes" and "no" for exactly the same question (though at different times). I asked if I will see someone. The first time was a "no", I had to face this "difficult" truth and deal with that. The second time was a "yes" and this time the queen represented the attitude of this person.
I tend to think more and more yes/no questions are really difficult! I still think tarot can answer it, but it's really tricky (at least for me).

Ace of Cups and Ace of Swords as a NO ? Never would gave thought of would that be ? Aces are about beginnings...unless reversed, hard to imagine as no cards...