Fonz's Job Search spread


Saw Fonz's spread and thought I'd give it a try :) Using Golden Tarot. Here are my results:

1. My attitude/energy towards the job search - Temperance
I'm trying to create something out of different elements. Sometimes I like to take different things (like have a couple of part time jobs) to balance things out for myself.

2. (Crossing over 1) What is blocking me? - The Hierophant
Maybe I'm thinking too within the box. Or I believe there are certain expectations that I must meet instead of concerning myself with what I want.

3/4. What are my strengths as an employee? (What sets me apart?) - Ten of Swords and Queen of Coins

OK - well the Queen of Coins can run a business, is practical, can get things done. A good employee overall. As for the 10 of swords... can get back up after adversity?

5/6. What are my weaknesses as an employee? (How am I not setting myself apart from others?) - 2 of cups, Knight of cups

Hmm - for the 2 of cups maybe I let attachments to others cloud my judgements or decisions. The Knight of cups is a bit of a dreamer. Could view work in an idealistic way (and therefore get frustrated when things aren't perfect all the time) or that I really spend too much time dreaming about what I might want without actually doing anything about it.

7. Advice for the search - King of Wands
Be bold, follow your passion. King of Wands makes things happen. If the Hierophant is blocking me maybe I need the energy of this king to create opportunities for myself vs going the same old routes I have been previously.



I would try to examine the entire spread, as the spread you used has some cross-over positions, in the context that some positions can help confirm how you interpret another.

The one that is clear is the Block (POPE) and the 2 cards that were appropriated for the purpose of incite about what you may be doing that is not helping (Knight of Cups 2 of Cups) the situation.

In reality, this cards do not have a set static interpretation for every position and question. There may also be various aspects of the card that could apply, so your own intuition will help you decide.

With addressing the Block, you could try comparing it to the 'whats not helping' position and or using your own wisdom and intuition, in order to get clear about what the Block is.

The Pope could function as incite into being a discipline. Therefore, disciplining those two cards (2 cups/knight cups), in order to ensure, that the energy coming from 2 of cups and knight of cups is in proper balance, with respects to your approach with a job search. How is your focus? What is your focus?

Or in another aspect, the card could simply be saying, that that standards, procedures and organizational aspects of the job recruiting process are blocking; along with the moral/ethic context of the Pope, raising awareness about commitment. Therefore, giving you incite into needing to do the work in order to conform to the job recruiting standards, or doing to much same old routine, and or taking time out to contemplate your willingness to commit.

How much you are willing to commit to one employer or a few? How much can you really give to an employer if you're energy is spread between a few employers? How will this be perceived by potential employers? How will this energy effect your obtaining employment?

Your question was more directly related to the job search, so the meanings of the cards should be more aligned to answering about the search for employment; rather than what you did in your jobs in the past or your actions while at work.


Saw Fonz's spread and thought I'd give it a try :) Using Golden Tarot. Here are my results:

1. My attitude/energy towards the job search - Temperance
I'm trying to create something out of different elements. Sometimes I like to take different things (like have a couple of part time jobs) to balance things out for myself.

2. (Crossing over 1) What is blocking me? - The Hierophant
Maybe I'm thinking too within the box. Or I believe there are certain expectations that I must meet instead of concerning myself with what I want.

3/4. What are my strengths as an employee? (What sets me apart?) - Ten of Swords and Queen of Coins

OK - well the Queen of Coins can run a business, is practical, can get things done. A good employee overall. As for the 10 of swords... can get back up after adversity?

5/6. What are my weaknesses as an employee? (How am I not setting myself apart from others?) - 2 of cups, Knight of cups

Hmm - for the 2 of cups maybe I let attachments to others cloud my judgements or decisions. The Knight of cups is a bit of a dreamer. Could view work in an idealistic way (and therefore get frustrated when things aren't perfect all the time) or that I really spend too much time dreaming about what I might want without actually doing anything about it.

7. Advice for the search - King of Wands
Be bold, follow your passion. King of Wands makes things happen. If the Hierophant is blocking me maybe I need the energy of this king to create opportunities for myself vs going the same old routes I have been previously.

Well, here's my novice stab at this. Please give me honest feedback =]

The good thing about Temperance is that you're quite patient and easy going about your job search. You don't seem to be freaking out, but you are definitely focused on finding a position that will support you. Or perhaps a blending and merging of different sources to find yourself a job (different internet sites, talking to other people, maybe even newspaper ads).

So the Hierophant represents ethics, morals, religion, traditions, and social conventions, culture, institutions, -- that kind of stuff. I see that your job search tactics might be a little narrow-minded. What ways are you finding job postings? Are you talking to other people who may help you? Are you networking? As you say, you do need to think outside the box. Be a little rebellious and don't follow "protocol."

Your strengths as an employee is interesting...the 10 of Swords tells me that you may allow your employers to walk all over you. You tend to let people take advantage of you and employers love that about you, because you take it all in stride with the Queen of Pentacles here, who is open-hearted, hard-working, loving, ambitious.

So this is a trait that's great for them -- not so good for you!

Your weaknesses. Two of Cups.. I think this ties well with my previous comment. And I agree with your interp. Being too "buddy-buddy" with your employer and co-workers can put you in an odd place that allows you to be vulnerable to be "stepped on." Not saying to be cold and callous, but you might need to learn to establish boundaries, like "Yes, we are friends -- but I am also to be respected as an employee."

The Knight of Cups is kind of this peacemaking, people-pleasing "I want your approval" type of guy who doesn't take rejection very well. He often allows his heart to make decisions, rather than his head -- meanwhile everyone else around him is thinking intellectually, which leaves him in the dust emotionally. Try not to be too sensitive and take things personally

The King of Wands is telling you to slap the Cup out of your hand and take charge with a Wand. Show 'em your drive, show 'em your passion, and show 'em that you're a leader. Be ambitious and wiggle out your people skills to show 'em how well you work with others.


1. My attitude/energy towards the job search - Temperance
I agree with your own assessment about multiple part-time jobs and blending things. I think you are much more detailed than that though. Temperance is showing how you are utilizing contingencies in your job search. Maybe, you see a job you like but it requires you to work Saturdays and you don't want to work Saturdays, so then you decide if you can negotiate that kind of deal to get Saturdays off the table, or if you should look for another job that doesn't work you on Saturdays, but then it might not be a job you like so much. I think this card is showing you being very cautious about getting exactly what you want and formulating a lot of contingencies.

2. (Crossing over 1) What is blocking me? - The Hierophant
Perhaps it is a lack of education, experience, or training. Other than that, it could be your job history and patterns of behavior that might be getting in the way (job hopping or calling off from work, for example). I'm less inclined to believe that though because you're a Virgo. ;) If you've got a solid work background, then I would go with the first thing I said more. It could also be that you are just not communicating your experience well and need to re-format your CV as it pertains to each job you are applying for, for instance... the Hierophant can also cover records like that. Are you putting on a good "face" in your resume or a good "face" in your interviews to match the jobs for which you are applying to show how you fit?

3/4. What are my strengths as an employee? (What sets me apart?) - Ten of Swords and Queen of Coins
I would say that you are hyper-vigilant. Imagine the 10 of Swords is a murder scene. The Queen of Pentacles would not miss a single hair that could solve a major problem and put it to rest. You are probably the kind of person that could be called in for an emergency and it wouldn't phase you one bit to resolve something that no one else could resolve.

5/6. What are my weaknesses as an employee? (How am I not setting myself apart from others?) - 2 of cups, Knight of cups
I would say that you don't really care to get to know people or develop positive relationships with the people that you are working with or working for. You're not there to socialize, you're there to work.

7. Advice for the search - King of Wands
I see the King here as the perfect mediation between your strengths and weaknesses. You can take charge without having to develop deep, emotional relationships. Charm and friendliness, which might seem a little more like a superficial connection to you, will still certainly help you sell yourself though.

Just some thoughts, hope it helps!


I would try to examine the entire spread, as the spread you used has some cross-over positions, in the context that some positions can help confirm how you interpret another.

The one that is clear is the Block (POPE) and the 2 cards that were appropriated for the purpose of incite about what you may be doing that is not helping (Knight of Cups 2 of Cups) the situation.

In reality, this cards do not have a set static interpretation for every position and question. There may also be various aspects of the card that could apply, so your own intuition will help you decide.

With addressing the Block, you could try comparing it to the 'whats not helping' position and or using your own wisdom and intuition, in order to get clear about what the Block is.

The Pope could function as incite into being a discipline. Therefore, disciplining those two cards (2 cups/knight cups), in order to ensure, that the energy coming from 2 of cups and knight of cups is in proper balance, with respects to your approach with a job search. How is your focus? What is your focus?

Or in another aspect, the card could simply be saying, that that standards, procedures and organizational aspects of the job recruiting process are blocking; along with the moral/ethic context of the Pope, raising awareness about commitment. Therefore, giving you incite into needing to do the work in order to conform to the job recruiting standards, or doing to much same old routine, and or taking time out to contemplate your willingness to commit.

How much you are willing to commit to one employer or a few? How much can you really give to an employer if you're energy is spread between a few employers? How will this be perceived by potential employers? How will this energy effect your obtaining employment?

Your question was more directly related to the job search, so the meanings of the cards should be more aligned to answering about the search for employment; rather than what you did in your jobs in the past or your actions while at work.

Hi Arial
Thanks for the tips. Trying to use my intuition a bit more as to what it means.

To your point, I can see that focus can sometimes be issue. Some of the advice I get is to find something that I'm passionate about - but what is it and am I giving myself space to do it? I've found jobs but I'm also not focused enough to complete the job application, partly because I find it hard to talk up what I've done. Or that I should be focusing on my current tasks at hand instead of looking for new work.

Anyway, will have another look at the spread and maybe see some other connections :)


Well, here's my novice stab at this. Please give me honest feedback =]

The good thing about Temperance is that you're quite patient and easy going about your job search. You don't seem to be freaking out, but you are definitely focused on finding a position that will support you. Or perhaps a blending and merging of different sources to find yourself a job (different internet sites, talking to other people, maybe even newspaper ads).

So the Hierophant represents ethics, morals, religion, traditions, and social conventions, culture, institutions, -- that kind of stuff. I see that your job search tactics might be a little narrow-minded. What ways are you finding job postings? Are you talking to other people who may help you? Are you networking? As you say, you do need to think outside the box. Be a little rebellious and don't follow "protocol."

Your strengths as an employee is interesting...the 10 of Swords tells me that you may allow your employers to walk all over you. You tend to let people take advantage of you and employers love that about you, because you take it all in stride with the Queen of Pentacles here, who is open-hearted, hard-working, loving, ambitious.

So this is a trait that's great for them -- not so good for you!

Your weaknesses. Two of Cups.. I think this ties well with my previous comment. And I agree with your interp. Being too "buddy-buddy" with your employer and co-workers can put you in an odd place that allows you to be vulnerable to be "stepped on." Not saying to be cold and callous, but you might need to learn to establish boundaries, like "Yes, we are friends -- but I am also to be respected as an employee."

The Knight of Cups is kind of this peacemaking, people-pleasing "I want your approval" type of guy who doesn't take rejection very well. He often allows his heart to make decisions, rather than his head -- meanwhile everyone else around him is thinking intellectually, which leaves him in the dust emotionally. Try not to be too sensitive and take things personally

The King of Wands is telling you to slap the Cup out of your hand and take charge with a Wand. Show 'em your drive, show 'em your passion, and show 'em that you're a leader. Be ambitious and wiggle out your people skills to show 'em how well you work with others.

Hi Enlightenment, thanks for your take on the cards :)

I can relate to most of your interpretations. I am taking the more traditional approach to the job search - mainly through a couple of websites - and not so much networking or other methods. Was thinking about that for the 10 of swords too. I do 'go with the flow' too much sometimes. Most of the time I really want to help but because I'm so consenting it might be kind of a disadvantage (for me at least). I guess that would tie in with the Knight. The people pleaser...

I don't know if I'm too buddy buddy in this case. I'm friendly but I also have a tendency to keep to myself. But I imagine there are some boundaries that might be useful.

Agree with the King of Wands. I'm not always comfortable being a leader but it'll be useful to future employers, I guess also as I advance up the ladder...


1. My attitude/energy towards the job search - Temperance
I agree with your own assessment about multiple part-time jobs and blending things. I think you are much more detailed than that though. Temperance is showing how you are utilizing contingencies in your job search. Maybe, you see a job you like but it requires you to work Saturdays and you don't want to work Saturdays, so then you decide if you can negotiate that kind of deal to get Saturdays off the table, or if you should look for another job that doesn't work you on Saturdays, but then it might not be a job you like so much. I think this card is showing you being very cautious about getting exactly what you want and formulating a lot of contingencies.

2. (Crossing over 1) What is blocking me? - The Hierophant
Perhaps it is a lack of education, experience, or training. Other than that, it could be your job history and patterns of behavior that might be getting in the way (job hopping or calling off from work, for example). I'm less inclined to believe that though because you're a Virgo. ;) If you've got a solid work background, then I would go with the first thing I said more. It could also be that you are just not communicating your experience well and need to re-format your CV as it pertains to each job you are applying for, for instance... the Hierophant can also cover records like that. Are you putting on a good "face" in your resume or a good "face" in your interviews to match the jobs for which you are applying to show how you fit?

3/4. What are my strengths as an employee? (What sets me apart?) - Ten of Swords and Queen of Coins
I would say that you are hyper-vigilant. Imagine the 10 of Swords is a murder scene. The Queen of Pentacles would not miss a single hair that could solve a major problem and put it to rest. You are probably the kind of person that could be called in for an emergency and it wouldn't phase you one bit to resolve something that no one else could resolve.

5/6. What are my weaknesses as an employee? (How am I not setting myself apart from others?) - 2 of cups, Knight of cups
I would say that you don't really care to get to know people or develop positive relationships with the people that you are working with or working for. You're not there to socialize, you're there to work.

7. Advice for the search - King of Wands
I see the King here as the perfect mediation between your strengths and weaknesses. You can take charge without having to develop deep, emotional relationships. Charm and friendliness, which might seem a little more like a superficial connection to you, will still certainly help you sell yourself though.

Just some thoughts, hope it helps!

Hi Amanda, thanks.

I can relate to your points. I am looking to see what I can either incorporate into the schedule I already have or find something that will take over my current routine, in which case I'd choose to give up something else. Pros and cons for both.

I have a solid work history, many of them were temp but longer term - years vs months, in recent cases. I definitely have difficulty conveying what I've done tho. I don't know how to talk myself up and there's some positions I want but I don't have the experience or qualification they're looking for.

I do tend to keep to myself though as an employee they won't really know that until they hire me. But as you pointed out might have to turn up the attention, even if it's not preferred for someone to notice me...