A vision of an old friend...


I recently had a vision of an old friend. I posted this in divination and got some really great help. It was suggested that I pull some cards on the situation.

This is the link to the divination thread about this...


I asked "What is going on with my former friend?"

5 of Wands, 5 of Pents, 3 of Cups

Well..right off, I'm getting the feeling that he's in the thick of it. He was in prison for several years and the 5 of Wands is making me feel like HE feels he's still in a battle. I don't know why but I'm hearing PTSD. So I'm thinking he's still reliving those years in prison. I can only imagine how that would change someone or what it would be like to try to start over and leave it behind.

5 of Pents...I'm sure he's financially ruined. He has to register as a violent offender for 20 years. Having a felony on your record would make it near impossible to find a job. I'm sure he is relying on his parents to take care of him.

3 of Cups! Well, I hope this means that things are going to get better for him. Maybe a job will come along, someone will take a chance on him, or some other form of good luck will come to him and he can begin again.

Any takes on this would be appreciated. Thank you!


Your take on the 2 5's make sense to me; 5 of wands sounds like he still feels in the midst of conflict; 5 of Pents feels like he's been shunned by society, doesn't feel like he fits in anywhere.

3 of Cups - he wants to reach out to a friend, one who he believes can help him. That was the first thing I thought of, having read your other thread. He wants to turn his life around and defeat his demons.

I've experienced similar things to what you wrote of; I've usually found it's a person's soul communicating with me, though usually it comes in the form of dreams. People with those 'dark sides' are usually very drawn to people like you, who are "open" and feel like you really "get them". Hence his obsession with you in the past. But I wouldn't advise going down that road and from what you wrote, your instinct knows it too; people may feel the drive to eliminate their dark side but I don't believe you should put yourself at risk for this. I've dealt with someone similar to this before, it became obsessive and frightening, and for a long time I had to keep my head down. Sorry, this is just my opinion on it. I do genuinely feel he wants to turn his life around and that he is looking for the help to do it; yes, it is a tough call, but your safety must come first.


Your take on the 2 5's make sense to me; 5 of wands sounds like he still feels in the midst of conflict; 5 of Pents feels like he's been shunned by society, doesn't feel like he fits in anywhere.

3 of Cups - he wants to reach out to a friend, one who he believes can help him. That was the first thing I thought of, having read your other thread. He wants to turn his life around and defeat his demons.

I've experienced similar things to what you wrote of; I've usually found it's a person's soul communicating with me, though usually it comes in the form of dreams. People with those 'dark sides' are usually very drawn to people like you, who are "open" and feel like you really "get them". Hence his obsession with you in the past. But I wouldn't advise going down that road and from what you wrote, your instinct knows it too; people may feel the drive to eliminate their dark side but I don't believe you should put yourself at risk for this. I've dealt with someone similar to this before, it became obsessive and frightening, and for a long time I had to keep my head down. Sorry, this is just my opinion on it. I do genuinely feel he wants to turn his life around and that he is looking for the help to do it; yes, it is a tough call, but your safety must come first.

Thank you! I wonder if he thinks I'm the friend who can help him. I can see that. He once told me that I was his peaceful place. He's probably in desperate need of peace right now, which is why his soul is reaching for me. Unfortunately, as you said, I cannot get involved. It's too risky and I have a family to protect. I will send him light and healing energy but that is as far as I can go.

Thanks again!!

Starri Knytes

Did you take note of what your Quint is here? It's quite telling.

13 Death

Just as we spoke before, the old is giving way to something new.
Hopefully something better for your friend.

I was a bit uneasy as I worked with these cards. There was something in there about getting together with an old friend, or calling an old friend that made me uncomfortable. Did you get that at all when you did this reading?


Did you take note of what your Quint is here? It's quite telling.

13 Death

Just as we spoke before, the old is giving way to something new.
Hopefully something better for your friend.

I was a bit uneasy as I worked with these cards. There was something in there about getting together with an old friend, or calling an old friend that made me uncomfortable. Did you get that at all when you did this reading?

I didn't figure the Quint...yikes! Very fitting.

I've been uneasy about this whole thing. I felt this struggle...that PTSD feeling too. Do you think he's going to contact me? That has been my feeling, my worry, this whole time. He could figure out where I live fairly easily...we own our home so that's just looking into the right records...not hard.

Usually I don't talk to my husband about my visions or cards but this one I have...I can't shake the feeling of something coming.

Thank you!


I decided to take a different angle and asked "What are his intentions toward me?"

The Devil, 9 of Swords, 6 of Swords

Well, this doesn't look good. Crap.

So I'm thinking he's very obsessed right now...when I ended our friendship he was very angry and knowing him...he still is. I think he wants to hurt me, make me feel what he feels (9 of Swords). I think he wants me to be broken, depressed. The 6 of Swords makes me feel very afraid for some reason...like I'm being moved from one place to another.

This. Sucks.

I can't imagine feeling this much anger toward someone after almost 20 years. I just can't wrap my brain around it. I've never been mad at someone more than a few hours...how do you stay angry for 20 freaking years?!



I'm feeling for you! The situation is ... All a bit yuck!

I'm thinking in hippy git energetic kind of way here...
When we bring thoughts into our conscious, they exist - yeah?

So thinking about things a lot, can make stuff happen?
Putting energy into something / manifesting.... All that kind of stuff... I'm being vague here lol.

Anyways, I think if you ask your guides or whom ever you connect with,
Your grandmother? To protect you... And put out some positive thoughts for this guy to
Become "obsessed" with something else... That may help?

Yeah, it sounds pretty out there... But it can't hurt to try? Then, I'd ask for energies to be cut between yourself and this guy.... Energetic healers are awesome at this kind of stuff...

If you're into energetic healers, have a look around in your local area... And if you're drawn to one, go see her him....
